wise-foundation / wise-website-requests

This is a public repo for users to submit reports of bugs/issues or request new features for the WISE Token website
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[FEATURE] **IDEAS for the Website Design and Re-Write** #21

Open MJSykes888 opened 3 years ago

MJSykes888 commented 3 years ago

Hello team! I recently posted some suggestions for the "Staking Dashboard" on Discord. Knowing that the entire website is being re-done, I've decided to put together some ideas for the main page of the website in addition to the Staking and Referral pages.

The top of the front page should succinctly describe WISE and it's selling points. I think the current WISE Token summary (i.e., the first paragraph on the main page) misses the mark because it skims over the primary purpose of WISE (which is NOT being able to swap it on Uniswap to get some of your ETH back) and jumps right into detailed selling points, perhaps in a defensive effort to differentiate WISE from HEX. (And the use of the word "leveraged" may be confusing/alarming to some readers.) Many visitors to our webpage won't even be aware of HEX. I do think it may be a good idea to have links/sections lower down on the front page that compare WISE to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and HEX or other Defi projects….as well as a comparison of Bitcoin and Ethereum security and ecosystems. [I may eventually finish writing an article that does all this.]

Here is what I think a better brief description of WISE would look like, followed by a list of selling points. The information that I placed in brackets are ideas to include in additional information that website visitors can access via an embedded link….:

WISE is an innovative cryptocurrency designed to be a highly secure store of value that can be easily staked to earn trustless interest. Like bonds, certificates of deposit, and time deposit bank accounts, longer stakes provide higher yields.

WISE has unique features that distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies and "DeFi" projects:

I threw together the above list of features quickly; the wordings can use improvement! Of course, a little boasting about WISE's past price performance and Uniswap liquidity ranking wouldn't be a bad addition to the front page. I also recommend removing any reference to WISE using an oracle from the front page, since the "oracle" word is a red flag for some readers (and WISE no longer uses an oracle).



I hope these suggestions are helpful!

MJSykes888 commented 3 years ago

Here are two possible narratives for WISE:

1) WISE is a crypto token with a staking platform that is backed by a massive locked ETH liquidity pool on Uniswap. An emergent property of this locked liquidity and Uniswap's AMM (automated market maker) algorithm is a dynamic "price floor" which is affected by the ratio of purchases and sales of WISE on Uniswap, the ratio of staked and unstaked WISE, the volume of WISE trades on Uniswap, and the USD price of ETH. As a result, the USD price of WISE is expected to be less volatile and have less downside risk (and less chance of huge fast gains) than other crypto tokens on which you may speculate.

2) WISE is the best long term investment in crypto, designed to be the most decentralized and secure store-of-value and source of trustless income. Investors can easily lock their WISE in stakes of one day to decades in length. Like traditional bonds, CD's and time-deposit bank accounts, longer stakes pay higher rates of interest. Unlike WISE, other crypto tokens are designed to incentivize miners, provide governance rights, or to be used as utility tokens by customers….as well as to enrich founders, team members, and private investors. WISE is designed to preserve and grow your wealth.

I believe our marketing efforts should lead with Narrative #2.