wiseio / paratext

A library for reading text files over multiple cores.
Apache License 2.0
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Receiving Error when installing on Windows 7 #37

Closed TheTrette closed 7 years ago

TheTrette commented 7 years ago

Newbie here, came across paratext via a google search on processing large .cvs files to pandas DataFrames. I've followed the directions, but when I get to the command "python setup.py build install", I keep receiving this error:

(C:\Users\mtrette\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\envs\ParaText) c:\User tte\paratext\python>python setup.py build install Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 7, in p = subprocess.Popen(["which", "swig"]) File "C:\Users\mtrette\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\envs\ParaText\l process.py", line 947, in init restore_signals, start_new_session) File "C:\Users\mtrette\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\envs\ParaText\l process.py", line 1224, in _execute_child startupinfo) FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified

Like I said, I'm a newbie so not sure exactly what is going on, was hoping that someone may be able to shed some light and help me out. Thank you! By the way, I've completed the steps using the "normal" (ie not via Anaconda) cmd prompt and got the same error message.

JamesRamm commented 7 years ago

looks like the error is coming from trying to call swig. Can you check that:

  1. You have swig installed?
  2. It is available on your system PATH?

You should be able to install swig with conda install swig

JamesRamm commented 7 years ago

You can ignore my above comment. It is not swig that is the problem but which...the which program is not available on windows...using the where command would be the windows equivalent...

Suggests you are not building in a MinGW or Cygwin environment though, so you will get other errors...

TheTrette commented 7 years ago

Thank you to JamesRamm for the suggestion, this resolved the issue. For future googlers, I had to update to Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, and include the Common Tools for Visual C++2015 feature to get past the vsvarsall.dat error. I just ran into another error which I'm troubleshooting, so getting closer.

JamesRamm commented 7 years ago

@TheTrette you might want to look at #38 which has got to the point of successful compile but is having runtime issues