wiseman / mavelous

multi-platform ground station for drones that speak the MAVLink protocol
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Zoom to local tiles / panner / mouse synthesizing touches in mapper #18

Closed randym32 closed 11 years ago

randym32 commented 11 years ago

I. Intent This is to provide a foundation to zooming into higher resolution than Bing (or Google) supports

Motivation. I want to control, with a map, my rovers to work my yard/garden/sand-worm ranch, and roombas in my house.

II. What is primarily demonstrated Switching over to a local server (incl. local files) for mapping tiles when the zooming level is high

III. What else is demonstrated The mouse is hooked in, to allow it to work on the desktop. This accomplished by creating synthetic touch events

Panner (from the easey project) is used to allow the maps to be moved around.

The browser local storage is used to retrieve/store the center position and zoom (disabled for demo purposes)

The browser geolocation services is used to retrieve the current position if the local storage is not available (disabled for demo purposes)

IV. Note This works on my desktop if I use the map view. However the PFD visible seems to interact with the mouse clicks oddly at times.

wiseman commented 11 years ago

Hi, Randy, just wanted to let you know I haven't had a chance to look this over yet, but I'm hoping to get a chance next week.

wiseman commented 11 years ago

One problem with this patch seems to be that the map can now be dragged by the user, but the vehicle icon moves too--indicating that the vehicle is in the wrong place. And then it seems that on the next position update received from the vehicle the map snaps back into place. Maybe turn off map dragging?