wiseman / mavelous

multi-platform ground station for drones that speak the MAVLink protocol
MIT License
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Vehicle-following map panning at high zoom levels is jumpy #41

Closed wiseman closed 11 years ago

wiseman commented 11 years ago

Especially on a mobile device, when the vehicle is in motion and pan-lock is on, the map & icon motion is very jumpy. There are a few issues:

  1. Even while the drone is moving with a constant velocity, the map pans in a "bursty" manner. Since we get discrete vehicle updates, this isn't a huge deal, but we could do better--we actually do know the drone velocity.
  2. The drone icon jumps to the new location and then the map & icon pan to center on that location. Ideally the map would pan under the icon so that the icon would always stay in the center.
  3. Sometimes the map seems to jump backwards to a previous position. I don't know if this happens because while the map is animating to location A we tell it to start panning to location B, or if /mavlink POST responses are coming back out of order.
wiseman commented 11 years ago

I was going to see how pan-lock looked if leaflet didn't animate pans, but that would require replacing some core leaflet code.