wiserain / rclone

"rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
MIT License
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115: integrated processing of share link #15

Closed wiserain closed 1 month ago

wiserain commented 1 month ago


Config remote for shared file system

Using rclone.conf

type = 115
share_code = shareCode
receive_code = receiveCode
uid = 
cid = 
seid = 

or instantly overriding share_code and receive_code by command line,

rclone lsf "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}"
rclone lsf "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}/existing/dir/or/file"

Supported Operations


Use command lsf, lsd, lsjson

file open for reading

rclone mount "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}" /mnt
rclone cat "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}/example.json"

copy from share

# copy entire contents
rclone copy "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}" 115:path/to/save

# copy specific file
rclone copy "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}/example.mkv" 115:path/to/save

# copy with a new name
rclone copyto "115:{https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode}/old.mkv" 115:path/to/save/new.mkv

backend command

rclone backend addshare 115:path/to/save "https://115.com/s/shareCode?password=receiveCode"