wishawa / async_ui

Lifetime-Friendly, Component-Based, Retained-Mode UI Powered by Async Rust
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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examples/web-todomvc works great, but having no doc / readme is not beginner friendly #2

Open olivier-fs opened 1 year ago

olivier-fs commented 1 year ago

Hi! This crate is great, ! I'm used to GTK (C) and iced (Rust) ; but what a refreshing way to build retained mode apps (not everyone needs immediate mode) I easily managed to build web-todomvc because I'm used to run wasm-pack (with Yew), so it's as simple as

$ wasm-pack build --target web
$ miniserve.exe . -p 8080

# browse to localhost:8080

But complete beginners might not even know where to start, and that will lose you potential adopters.

A README.md or a short bash script may help.

THANK YOU I'm gonna follow your work, I have a gut feeling that way of doing everything async for UI is going to make it big like tokio/hyper/axum is doing for http servers. Nobody ever wants to go back to synchronous code after having being in touch with nice async frameworks.

anborg commented 1 year ago

Hi @olivier-fs ,

Thanks for the example snippet. I'm a 'complete beginner'. How about send a pull request adding the above info to README.md. He's likely to accept the PR.

retained mode apps (not everyone needs immediate mode

Can you please send send some good reading/links, so I can learn retained/immediate concepts?

I wish someone adds example for oauth2 like login/auth (say with google auth), and mae some webservice calls for say weather-service, update the UI/tables etc -- with parent child views. That would help with quicker adaptation by newbies like me, that learn by example.


wishawa commented 1 year ago

Hi! Yes documentation pull requests would be really welcomed. I've been pretty busy with university :(

@anborg The library is still pretty bare-bone. No tables yet. For authentication, the hackernews example uses surf to perform REST API requests, you might want to check that out!