wishkit / wishkit-ios

In-App Feature Requests. Made Easy.
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Fix: Resolve Alert Display and View Dismissal Issues in Feature Request Flow #58

Closed slowbrewedmacchiato closed 3 months ago

slowbrewedmacchiato commented 3 months ago

Fix: Resolve Alert Display and View Dismissal Issues in Feature Request Flow

In SDK version 4.2.0, two regressions were introduced:

  1. Alert Display Issue: Alerts (both error and success) were not displayed after submitting a feature request. For instance, if an email was required, the alert would not appear. Similarly, upon successful creation of a feature request, no success alert was shown.

  2. View Dismissal Issue: The view did not dismiss automatically after successfully submitting a new feature request.

Root Cause: The issue stemmed from having the alert(isPresented: $showConfirmationAlert) modifier attached to the parent VStack on line 197, while also using .alert(isPresented: $alertModel.showAlert) on a WKButton child view. In the previous API (before iOS 15), if a parent view had an .alert() modifier, it would override any alerts defined in child views further down the hierarchy, preventing the child's alert from being displayed, even though the code was executed.

Fix: The .alert modifier on the parent VStack has been moved to the child view it is associated with. This adjustment ensures that alerts are displayed as expected in all cases and that the view dismisses correctly after a successful submission.

martinlasek commented 3 months ago

Awesome, thanks!