Mod version
- MC 1.21.1 Fabric
- accessories_tclayer-3.10.0-beta.18+1.21.1
- accessories-fabric-1.1.0-beta.16+1.21.1
- charmofundying-fabric-9.1.0+1.21.1
- cloth-config-15.0.140-fabric
- fabric-api-0.108.0+1.21.1
- modmenu-11.0.3
- owo-lib-0.12.15+1.21
- toms_storage_fabric-1.21-2.0.11
- youre-in-grave-danger-fabric-2.4.11
When died, items in slots not working after reborn. It will fixed by restart the game, until next death. Include but not limited to the following mods:
Charm of Undying: player will die directly without activating totem
Tom's Simple Storage Mod: Advanced Wireless Terminal won't open by press hotkey
Mod version
- MC 1.21.1 Fabric - accessories_tclayer-3.10.0-beta.18+1.21.1 - accessories-fabric-1.1.0-beta.16+1.21.1 - charmofundying-fabric-9.1.0+1.21.1 - cloth-config-15.0.140-fabric - fabric-api-0.108.0+1.21.1 - modmenu-11.0.3 - owo-lib-0.12.15+1.21 - toms_storage_fabric-1.21-2.0.11 - youre-in-grave-danger-fabric-2.4.11When died, items in slots not working after reborn. It will fixed by restart the game, until next death. Include but not limited to the following mods: