wistful / SublimeAutoPEP8

Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide using autopep8 and pep8 modules
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Not formatting on save #50

Closed navxio closed 6 years ago

navxio commented 7 years ago

I've put the 'format_on_save':true in user settings, have autopep8 package installed, but the plugin is not formatting the code on save.

wistful commented 7 years ago

@navdeepio, thanks for reporting the issue. There was an issue with missing argparse module which affect Sublime Text 2. The issue was fixed in in new version(v1.3.5) which was just released. Please let me know if you experiences the issue in v1.3.5.

navxio commented 7 years ago

@wistful still experiencing the same issue.

wistful commented 7 years ago

Could you please enable debug mode in the plugin settings: "debug": false and attach debug output from the SublimeText console? It'd help finding a place the error happened.

navxio commented 7 years ago

SublimeLinter: debug mode: off SublimeLinter: WARNING: import of pep8 module in pep8 failed, linter will not work with python 3 code SublimeLinter: WARNING: pep8 deactivated, cannot locate 'pep8@python' 2017-04-30 00:36:14,260 - SublimeAutoPEP8:90 - INFO - AutoPEP8: sublime: version=3126, platform=linux, arch=x64, packages_path=/home/wtiger/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages , installed_packages_path=/home/wtiger/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages plugin: version=1.3.5 config: {'list-fixes': '', 'indent-size': 4, 'max-line-length': 79, 'ignore': 'E24, E226', 'file_menu_search_depth': 3, 'select': '', 'format_on_save': True, 'logfile': None, 'debug': True, 'avoid_new_line_in_select_mode': False, 'syntax_list': ['Python']} INFO:SublimeAutoPEP8:AutoPEP8: sublime: version=3126, platform=linux, arch=x64, packages_path=/home/wtiger/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages , installed_packages_path=/home/wtiger/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed Packages plugin: version=1.3.5 config: {'list-fixes': '', 'indent-size': 4, 'max-line-length': 79, 'ignore': 'E24, E226', 'file_menu_search_depth': 3, 'select': '', 'format_on_save': True, 'logfile': None, 'debug': True, 'avoid_new_line_in_select_mode': False, 'syntax_list': ['Python']} Package Control: Skipping automatic upgrade, last run at 2017-04-30 00:33:55, next run at 2017-04-30 01:33:55 or after

Edit: I hope you meant debug: True

wistful commented 7 years ago

Sorry, certainly "debug": true. Settings show that the plugin should format code on save event. However, there are no records about formatting. Was there any other autopep8 related records in the log after you save a module? Example of such records: autopep8.params: Namespace(aggressive=0, diff=True, exclude=[], experimental=False, files=['fake-file'], global_config='fake_path', ignore={'E24'}, ignore_local_config=True, in_place=False, indent_size=4, jobs=1, line_range=None, list_fixes=False, max_line_length=79, pep8_passes=-1, recursive=False, select='', verbose=2)