Closed j796160836 closed 7 years ago
Hey @j796160836 sorry to hear that.
The ParserError is a red herring, not a problem; you can ignore that.
I don't think you did anything wrong. We will need to debug this, since I've never tested WK on your network and have a feeling something unexpected is going on...
Please put a breakpoint on WistiaPlayerViewController.presentForError()
, it's in the file _WistiaPlayerViewController.swift
. Then run the sample app and try to play the video. When Xcode stops at the breakpoint, I would like to know the stack trace.
Hi @spinosa,
Here is your information you need. This log is version 0.16.1 captured by iPhone5s at China network.
ParserError(message: "The key \'pageLoads\' was not found.")
(lldb) bt
* thread #1: tid = 0x19a21, 0x0000000100415a8c WistiaKit`WistiaPlayerViewController.wistiaPlayer(player=0x0000000101929600, newState=videoPlaybackError, self=0x0000000101801200) -> () + 8040 at _WistiaPlayerViewController.swift:212, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
* frame #0: 0x0000000100415a8c WistiaKit`WistiaPlayerViewController.wistiaPlayer(player=0x0000000101929600, newState=videoPlaybackError, self=0x0000000101801200) -> () + 8040 at _WistiaPlayerViewController.swift:212
frame #1: 0x000000010041a94c WistiaKit`protocol witness for WistiaPlayerDelegate.wistiaPlayer(WistiaPlayer, didChangeStateTo : WistiaPlayer.State) -> () in conformance WistiaPlayerViewController + 2528 at _WistiaPlayerViewController.swift:0
frame #2: 0x000000010048d528 WistiaKit`WistiaPlayer.state.didset(oldValue=videoLoading, self=0x0000000101929600) + 6592 at WistiaPlayer.swift:506
frame #3: 0x0000000100489800 WistiaKit`WistiaPlayer.state.setter(newValue=videoPlaybackError, self=0x0000000101929600) + 13716 at WistiaPlayer.swift:0
frame #4: 0x00000001003fbae8 WistiaKit`WistiaPlayer.playerItem(playerItem=0x00000001740183a0, oldStatus=unknown, newStatus=failed, self=0x0000000101929600) -> () + 764 at _WistiaPlayer.swift:143
frame #5: 0x00000001003fe4b4 WistiaKit`WistiaPlayer._wkObserveValue(keyPath="status", object=some, change=3 key/value pairs, context=(_rawValue = 0x0000000101929d08), self=0x0000000101929600) -> () + 1476 at _WistiaPlayer.swift:230
frame #6: 0x0000000100492898 WistiaKit`WistiaPlayer.observeValue(keyPath="status", object=some, change=3 key/value pairs, context=(_rawValue = 0x0000000101929d08), self=0x0000000101929600) -> () + 540 at WistiaPlayer.swift:537
frame #7: 0x0000000100492b38 WistiaKit`@objc WistiaPlayer.observeValue(forKeyPath : String?, of : Any?, change : [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context : UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> () + 504 at WistiaPlayer.swift:0
frame #8: 0x0000000189250a54 Foundation`NSKeyValueNotifyObserver + 304
frame #9: 0x0000000189250574 Foundation`NSKeyValueDidChange + 404
frame #10: 0x000000018923b460 Foundation`-[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification) didChangeValueForKey:] + 120
frame #11: 0x000000018ff60468 AVFoundation`-[AVPlayerItem didChangeValueForKey:] + 52
frame #12: 0x000000018ff63724 AVFoundation`-[AVPlayerItem _changeStatusToFailedWithError:] + 528
frame #13: 0x000000018ff75e64 AVFoundation`__avplayeritem_fpItemNotificationCallback_block_invoke + 928
frame #14: 0x0000000100dd925c libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
frame #15: 0x0000000100dd921c libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_client_callout + 16
frame #16: 0x0000000100dde284 libdispatch.dylib`_dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 1200
frame #17: 0x0000000188803f2c CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12
frame #18: 0x0000000188801b18 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1660
frame #19: 0x0000000188730048 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 444
frame #20: 0x000000018a1b6198 GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 180
frame #21: 0x000000018e71c2fc UIKit`-[UIApplication _run] + 684
frame #22: 0x000000018e717034 UIKit`UIApplicationMain + 208
frame #23: 0x000000010005d66c WistiaKit_Example`main + 140 at AppDelegate.swift:12
frame #24: 0x00000001877145b8 libdyld.dylib`start + 4
(lldb) p player
(WistiaKit.WistiaPlayer) $R0 = 0x0000000101929600 {
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baseUIControl@0 = {
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[0] = "of the product in the"
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[1] = "timeline, trim the dead space,"
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[35] = {
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[1] = "coffee mug, a notepad,"
[36] = {
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[0] = "or your headphones."
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[38] = {
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[0] = "and make it feel natural."
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[1] = "your shot\'s ruined."
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[45] = {
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[46] = {
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[0] = "and sharpen the video"
[1] = "just a touch in post."
[47] = {
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[1] = "right for the scene,"
[48] = {
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[0] = "then adjust the brightness"
[1] = "on your laptop to match it."
[49] = {
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[1] = "couple clicks down"
[50] = {
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[0] = "from the brightest setting."
[51] = {
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[1] = "on the screen."
[52] = {
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[0] = "Tilt your screen a little"
[1] = "bit forward or backward"
[53] = {
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[0] = "until the reflection"
[1] = "is out of the frame."
[54] = {
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[0] = "If you have one,"
[1] = "use a macro lens."
[55] = {
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[0] = "It\'ll be your best friend for"
[1] = "getting those little details"
[56] = {
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[0] = "onscreen."
[57] = {
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[0] = "Try panning side-to-side,"
[1] = "or up and down"
[58] = {
startTime = 138.5
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[0] = "to create some"
[1] = "motion in your shot."
[59] = {
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[0] = "Record a little"
[1] = "extra just in case."
[60] = {
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[0] = "Wait for the loop to come"
[1] = "around a second time,"
[61] = {
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[0] = "and find different angles."
[62] = {
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[0] = "Record the whole loop on a"
[1] = "wide, a medium, and a close shot"
[63] = {
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[0] = "to give you different"
[1] = "options in your edit."
[64] = {
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[0] = "Once you have a couple"
[1] = "different angles locked down,"
[65] = {
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[0] = "you\'re ready for the edit."
[66] = {
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[0] = "Now get out there and"
[1] = "shoot your laptop."
[67] = {
startTime = 160.384003
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[0] = "Or your desktop."
[68] = {
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[1] = "recording a screencast."
[9] = {
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[0] = "to capture your screen, but"
[1] = "it\'s a great editing program,"
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[0] = "as well."
[12] = {
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[0] = "We\'ll record each"
[1] = "screencast segment,"
[13] = {
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[0] = "remove the boring parts,"
[1] = "and then stitch together"
[14] = {
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[0] = "all of the shots that we"
[1] = "want in our final video."
[15] = {
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[0] = "When everything is"
[1] = "timed out just right,"
[16] = {
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[0] = "we export to a lossless"
[1] = "QuickTime file."
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[0] = "Then with the file"
[1] = "open up in QuickTime,"
[18] = {
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[0] = "we loop the playback,"
[1] = "and take it full-screen."
[19] = {
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[1] = "to consider when"
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[0] = "Hide your bookmarks,"
[1] = "and close your tabs."
[22] = {
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[0] = "If you\'re on a Mac, hit that"
[1] = "do not disturb button, too."
[23] = {
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[0] = "Go full screen with the"
[1] = "app or browser, get as much"
[24] = {
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[0] = "of the product in the"
[1] = "screen as you can."
[25] = {
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[0] = "If you have a few"
[1] = "screen recordings,"
[26] = {
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[0] = "combine them all in one"
[1] = "timeline, trim the dead space,"
[27] = {
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[0] = "then export everything"
[1] = "out to QuickTime."
[28] = {
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[0] = "Now we\'re ready to shoot the"
[1] = "laptop from multiple angles."
[29] = {
startTime = 69.4100037
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[0] = "First thing\'s first--"
[1] = "clean your screen."
[30] = {
startTime = 73.2200012
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[0] = "It might look clean to"
[1] = "the eye, but the camera"
[31] = {
startTime = 75.9700012
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[0] = "will pick up your greasy"
[1] = "fingerprints or dust particles"
[32] = {
startTime = 78.75
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[0] = "like you will not believe."
[33] = {
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[0] = "Build yourself a set."
[34] = {
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[0] = "Grab a desk and throw"
[1] = "some natural elements"
[35] = {
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[0] = "into the scene, like a"
[1] = "coffee mug, a notepad,"
[36] = {
startTime = 87.9599991
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[0] = "or your headphones."
[37] = {
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[0] = "But don\'t overdo it."
[38] = {
startTime = 90.800003
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[0] = "The goal here is to add"
[1] = "a little personality"
[39] = {
startTime = 93.0299987
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[0] = "and make it feel natural."
[40] = {
startTime = 94.9899978
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[0] = "Watch out for"
[1] = "moire, which is just"
[41] = {
startTime = 97.9199981
endTime = 100.610001
text = 2 values {
[0] = "a fancy term for"
[1] = "your shot\'s ruined."
[42] = {
startTime = 100.610001
endTime = 102.830002
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[0] = "Different cameras and"
[1] = "lenses have different moire"
[43] = {
startTime = 102.830002
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[0] = "characteristics, so try"
[1] = "moving closer or further"
[44] = {
startTime = 106.449997
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[0] = "away from the screen."
[45] = {
startTime = 107.889999
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[0] = "And if you have to,"
[1] = "use a soft focus"
[46] = {
startTime = 110.699997
endTime = 113.370003
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[0] = "and sharpen the video"
[1] = "just a touch in post."
[47] = {
startTime = 113.370003
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[0] = "Get the camera\'s exposure"
[1] = "right for the scene,"
[48] = {
startTime = 115.760002
endTime = 118.879997
text = 2 values {
[0] = "then adjust the brightness"
[1] = "on your laptop to match it."
[49] = {
startTime = 118.879997
endTime = 120.360001
text = 2 values {
[0] = "We usually go a"
[1] = "couple clicks down"
[50] = {
startTime = 120.360001
endTime = 122.019997
text = 1 value {
[0] = "from the brightest setting."
[51] = {
startTime = 122.019997
endTime = 124.529999
text = 2 values {
[0] = "Watch out for reflections"
[1] = "on the screen."
[52] = {
startTime = 124.529999
endTime = 127.029999
text = 2 values {
[0] = "Tilt your screen a little"
[1] = "bit forward or backward"
[53] = {
startTime = 127.029999
endTime = 129.610001
text = 2 values {
[0] = "until the reflection"
[1] = "is out of the frame."
[54] = {
startTime = 129.610001
endTime = 131.990005
text = 2 values {
[0] = "If you have one,"
[1] = "use a macro lens."
[55] = {
startTime = 131.990005
endTime = 134.529999
text = 2 values {
[0] = "It\'ll be your best friend for"
[1] = "getting those little details"
[56] = {
startTime = 134.529999
endTime = 136.009995
text = 1 value {
[0] = "onscreen."
[57] = {
startTime = 136.009995
endTime = 138.5
text = 2 values {
[0] = "Try panning side-to-side,"
[1] = "or up and down"
[58] = {
startTime = 138.5
endTime = 141.009995
text = 2 values {
[0] = "to create some"
[1] = "motion in your shot."
[59] = {
startTime = 141.009995
endTime = 143.729996
text = 2 values {
[0] = "Record a little"
[1] = "extra just in case."
[60] = {
startTime = 143.729996
endTime = 146.300003
text = 2 values {
[0] = "Wait for the loop to come"
[1] = "around a second time,"
[61] = {
startTime = 146.300003
endTime = 147.899994
text = 1 value {
[0] = "and find different angles."
[62] = {
startTime = 147.899994
endTime = 152.339996
text = 2 values {
[0] = "Record the whole loop on a"
[1] = "wide, a medium, and a close shot"
[63] = {
startTime = 152.339996
endTime = 154.320007
text = 2 values {
[0] = "to give you different"
[1] = "options in your edit."
[64] = {
startTime = 154.320007
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[0] = "Once you have a couple"
[1] = "different angles locked down,"
[65] = {
startTime = 156.520004
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[0] = "you\'re ready for the edit."
[66] = {
startTime = 157.899994
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[0] = "Now get out there and"
[1] = "shoot your laptop."
[67] = {
startTime = 160.384003
endTime = 161.050003
text = 1 value {
[0] = "Or your desktop."
[68] = {
startTime = 161.050003
endTime = 164.100006
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nextUpdateEventOkayToSendAfter = 2016-11-08 11:28:11 UTC
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referrer = "WistiaKitDemo"
SphericalTargetAssetWidth = 1920
playerItemContext = 1
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payload_data_0 = 0x0000000170173d40
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(lldb) p newState
(WistiaKit.WistiaPlayer.State) $R1 = videoPlaybackError {
videoPlaybackError = (description = "Player Item Failed")
Thanks for the info! It's helpful. In it we see that the underlying AVPlayerItem
is failing. More information on why it's failing should be available in the player's error
property and/or the player item's error
1) Please break on _WistiaPlayer.swift:143
(it is the .failed
case in the playerItem( playerItem: oldStatus: newStatus:)
method) and send me the output of: p self.avPlayer
, p self.avPlayer.error
, p playerItem
, and p playerItem.error
Hopefully this pinpoints the error.
2) Let's also look at the URL we're trying to load and play. Please break on _WistiaPlayer.swift:48
(it is right after the call let url = try bestPlaybackUrl(for:andAssetWithSlug:requiringHLS:atTargetWidth:)
) and send me the output of: p url
I'd like to know what that URL is. Additionally, if you'd like to try curl'ing that URL, or pasting it into a browser, that could provide some insight.
Here you are
ParserError(message: "The key \'pageLoads\' was not found.")
(lldb) p self.avPlayer
(AVPlayer) $R0 = 0x0000000170201100 {
ObjectiveC.NSObject = {
baseNSObject@0 = {
isa = 0x0000000170201100
_player = 0x0000000159d2c630
(lldb) p self.avPlayer.error
(Error?) $R1 = nil
(lldb) p playerItem
(AVPlayerItem) $R2 = 0x0000000170202600 {
ObjectiveC.NSObject = {
baseNSObject@0 = {
isa = 0x0000000170202600
_playerItem = 0x0000000159d63e70
(lldb) p playerItem.error
(Error?) $R3 = (instance_type = 0x000000017424fe10) {
instance_type = 0x000000017424fe10
(lldb) p url
(URL) $R0 = ""
I'm tried put the url in Mac Chrome and Simulator's Safari, it can play well. I put the url in iPhone Safari, not response.
Hey @j796160836 , I should have asked for po
since those are objects, sorry about that. The playerItem.error
is what I'm curious about. Can you po
that for me?
The URL is what I expected.
Is your iPhone going over the same network as your Mac? Or is the iPhone on a cellular network?
The video we've been looking at (8tjg8ftj2p) does not have HLS assets, and the WistiaKit-Example project has requireHLS=false
. Pulling at straws but, maybe you need to use HLS over your cellular network, and this is why it's failing on your phone (cellular) and not your mac (wifi)...
If you'd like to test the HLS hypothesis, try setting requireHLS: true
at both spots in WistiaKit\Example for WistiaKit\ViewController.swift
and using the hashed ID: 8q4pv4kofw . That video has HLS assets and the playback URL should be ""
Hi @spinosa, Here you go
(lldb) po playerItem.error!
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x17024f270 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16190 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-16190), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed}
Captured by iPhone 5s with own wifi network in China. About your question
Is your iPhone going over the same network as your Mac? Or is the iPhone on a cellular network? My iPhone is going over the same network as my Mac.
Also, tried to play video (8tjg8ftj2p) and use cellular network (China Mobile 4G), it gave me this.
(lldb) po playerItem.error!
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x174252210 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=54 "Connection reset by peer"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (54), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed}
I tried to play video (8q4pv4kofw), with wifi connection at iPhone 5s, it plays normal but no sound when ringtone off. The result is same as cellular network. The url is same as you provided.
What and why requireHLS is needed? I just leave it true and confirm all content supports HLS asset is ok?
Unfortunately, those error messages are quite vague. But, I think we may be on to something with our HLS tests...
HLS stands for Http Live Streaming. It streams video in chunks instead of downloading one big file. Apple requires it when playing back video > 10m long over a cellular network.
The setting requireHLS
instructs WistiaKit to use the HLS version of your media. Not all Wistia accounts have HLS enabled, but the support team can answer/change that very quickly.
To confirm: when you play 8q4pv4kofw
it does play back over WiFi and cellular? The only problem is that you get no sound when you put your phone into vibrate (ie. silence ringtone)?
Hi Spinosa, okay, I see. I will contact support team to check accounts have HLS enabled or not. I confirmed the video (8q4pv4kofw) with WiFi it's ok but silence in vibrate mode.
The video (8q4pv4kofw) with cellular (China Mobile 中国移动 4G). It show me another result,
(lldb) po newState
▿ State
- mediaNotFoundError : "8q4pv4kofw"
I think it's metadata load error.
I had tried to put this url to iPhone5s 's Safari There is no response in cellular but ok in Wifi.
Hey @j796160836 !
Thanks for that info, I think we're making progress. Fortunately, we've got some smart people here at Wistia :-] And we think the issue is related to SSL over cellular (not HLS). In particular, it seems like all the HTTPS requests being made over cellular are failing.
Let's find out! ...
1) Please test the following video (using HTTP) over Wifi and cellular:
2) Also, let's see if that metadata will load over cellular without SSL:
3) And finally, could you get the HTTP headers for an SSL request that fails over cellular? For instance; over cellular?
One way to get the headers would be create a simple iPhone app, use NSURLSession
to GET the URL and inspect the HTTPURLResponse.allHeaderFields
Thanks for digging in with me!
If you don't have the time for # 3 right now, the pass/fail results for tests # 1 and # 2 would be helpful.
Hi @spinosa,
Here you go, the # 3 result will be later for you.
video url
http video url (.bin) with cellular --> ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED
https video url (.bin) with cellular --> ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID I continue with cert error, show up the play button but cannot play
http video url (.bin) with wifi --> OK
https video url (.bin) with wifi --> show up the play button but cannot play
Hi guys I'm having this issue as well, but the video only fails on iOS10. It works fine on iOS9.
The url (bestPlaybackUrl in line 51 in _WistiaPlayer) is the same on both iOS 9 and 10. E.g. this url
But on iOS10, I go into the case .failed in line 150, and the playerItem.error says the following po playerItem.error! Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "unsupported URL" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=unsupported URL, NSUnderlyingError=0x610000257b80 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-1002 "(null)"}}
It's a very simple implementation I'm using in the app so far - I just show the WistiaPlayerController in full screen, and I have tried with requireHLS set to both true and false. Any ideas on what's wrong here?
It turned out my problem ☝️ was related to "Domain restrictions", and I got it working now, by providing a valid referrer.
If there are still open questions/problems, please re-open and update me!
Hi, I have tried WistiaKit sample code.
will show up skull sign (cannot play).WistiaPlayer
cannot play in China network, can play with errorThe same video in website plays normally.
What step I do wrong? Please feel free to ask me for detail, thanks.