wit-ai / wit

Natural Language Interface for apps and devices
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Voice styles are returning incorrect #2615

Open GRL828 opened 1 year ago

GRL828 commented 1 year ago

Since around 7pm GMT on Friday 14th the voice styles have been all over the place and returned clips continually remove the styles sent with the TTS request. Everything had been fine for 6 months in the project until then.

As an example the first request with a "soft" style on Rebecca returns correct on the first request, but then reverts to the default voice on every subsequent request beyond that. this is if the first request returns correctly. The first request doesn't always return correctly either.

What was changed on Friday so that I can actually get correct style requests? or what do I have to change to ensure that the request always returns the "soft" voice style? As the requests being sent are correct at the moment, but wit servers don't seem to be handling the requests correctly to return the correct style on the audio clip. Please advise

maidaneze commented 1 year ago

Hi, could you give me the app id so we can investigate further?