wit-ai / wit

Natural Language Interface for apps and devices
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Dynamic Entities | Bug #2675

Open ehabtawfikelbwab opened 9 months ago

ehabtawfikelbwab commented 9 months ago

Hi There,

I'm using Wit.ai as STT

i did follow this doc: https://wit.ai/docs/http/20230215/#dynamic_entities_link

and the request i sent: https://api.wit.ai/speech?v=20230215&entities=%7B%22keyphrase%22%3A%5B%7B%22keyword%22%3A%22dynamic%22%2C%22synonyms%22%3A%5B%22ehab%22%2C%22elbwab%22%5D%7D%5D%7D

The Authentication working fine even the result of the request comes but not correct i said in mic "ehab elbwab" the result is : i have abwab

even the request have Dynamic Entities [ ehab , elbwab ] also i have in my app entity called keyphrase and keyword called dynamic

So is that a bug and how to fix ?

my app id : 234219709536150

ehabtawfikelbwab commented 9 months ago

when i speak a custom word in mic like "totamt" i need the request result come "totamt"

i did use Dynamic Entities but the result of request "to mate"

i'm using unity c#

MokhtarKhorshid commented 9 months ago

I believe this is an issue with transcription. The input speech goes through ASR before getting resolved into entities via NLU. If it was unable to recognize the words in the ASR stage, then they won't match any of your entities. Dynamic entities likely won't help you here.

Since you're using terms that are not part of the language (seemingly Arabic names), it's more difficult to get them recognized as English words.

If you know the set of possible entities you want to resolve to and know what Wit recognizes when they are spoken (what they sound like), you may be able to work around this by putting those wrong words as aliases for your entities.

ehabtawfikelbwab commented 9 months ago


I need to give the model a hint to get better result, how i can do it ?