wit-ai / wit

Natural Language Interface for apps and devices
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Does the dictation API limits for streaming make sense? #2695

Open JuanObiJuan opened 7 months ago

JuanObiJuan commented 7 months ago

question about wit dictation API restrictions

Im a bit confused reading the documentation of the Dictation API rate limits, it says: "We currently impose a rate limit of 240 requests per minute per user, and 60 requests per minute per app."

Currently in my oculus App Im using Amazon transcribe with streaming. I have partial transcriptions every 250 ms and there is no limit in the amount of request per user or per app. Obviously Amazon Transcribe is a pay per use service, but this brings me to the next question about scalability...

Even if those limitis are reduced for something that make more sense, what is going to happen with this service when I have thousands of user and I need to pass those limitations? Is going to be a price per request or time of tier groups?

rokeyge commented 7 months ago

Hello there! Thanks for reaching out.

By user, we mean the owner of the wit.ai app. This is in place to limit a single user having too many concurrent requests from multiple apps in a short time period, therefore overwhelming the platform.

The API request limit is in-place to control the traffic, not the audio length. For Dictation request, you can continue to send data chunks on the same request, therefore stream the data to wit.ai and getting transcriptions back.

The platform is provided free of charge, and we do not have a pricing option. Please submit a request through help@wit.ai should you need to request an adjustment to the rate limit for your app(s).