witch-house / pronoun.is

Show people how to use pronouns!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
929 stars 103 forks source link

Documentation missing for multiple pronouns #117

Open egefeyzioglu opened 3 years ago

egefeyzioglu commented 3 years ago

No documentation is available for the use of the website with multiple pronouns. Since the feature isn't immediately obvious, this leads to users not realising this is supported.

Documentations should be added both to README and to the main page.

Robbbb commented 3 years ago

I found this issue while looking for the documentation. for now, can someone explain how to use the sit for multiple pronouns in this thread?

Is this the best way, to just write your own like this? https://pronoun.is/he%20or%20they/him%20or%20them/his%20or%20thier/his%20or%20thiers/himself%20or%20themselves

egefeyzioglu commented 3 years ago

Use https://pronoun.is/he/:or/they (you can stack as many as you'd like and mix known and unknown pronouns: https://pronoun.is/he/:or/they/:or/she/:or/foo/bar/foobar/raboof/rab)

egefeyzioglu commented 3 years ago

@witch-house could you add a help-wanted label to this? It just needs someone to set up the dev environment and run the tests on the linked pull request.

arimgibson commented 3 years ago

I'm on it @egefeyzioglu !

arimgibson commented 3 years ago

Looks great @egefeyzioglu, see approval on #118 . Wish I had perms to merge but I don't 😛