witch-house / pronoun.is

Show people how to use pronouns!
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Indicate plural verbs in examples #79

Open cybrosa opened 6 years ago

cybrosa commented 6 years ago

As it is currently:

They went to the park

He went to the park

It is unclear which verb form I should use for the present tense form of demonstrated pronouns.

What would be nice: anything that has a plural verb form, like present tense:

They go to the park

He goes to the park

This way plurality is clearly demonstrated without being confusing. For ease of development, you could easily change the example to:

They walk to the park

He walks to the park

That way all verbs can be "singularized" simply by adding an s.

Plural/singular could by specified in the database with an additional \ttrue|false for "is plural" on each line. If specifying non-in-database plurals, I propose this URL structure for "natural" structure:


reads "My pronoun is he, but I conjugate the verbs as plural."

I do not feel adequately prepared to use a neopronoun when I read the pronoun.is examples, because I don't know how to conjugate the verbs. This is, in my opinion, a big problem.

I'd be happy to work on this, if this is considered a good idea.

morganastra commented 5 years ago

This would be really good to have! The short answer is, this will be kind of hard to do so we haven't gotten around to it yet. I think we could probably do this without a query parameter by just looking at whether the reflexive form ends in -self or -selves, which is my favored solution.

I just added this to the FAQ because it's come up before: https://github.com/witch-house/pronoun.is#can-we-add-pluralization-support-ie-themself-vs-themselves

Also, the repo was in pretty poor shape when you first opened this issue so I wasn't really excited about getting you up to speed on it, but I've had a chance to get it tidied up since then!

If you're still willing to take this on I'd be happy to talk about the design and help get a PR through :)

dhouck commented 4 years ago

Looking at just the reflexive suffix doesn't work, because I think even most people that go with "themself" still use other pluralizations ("They throw the frisbee to themself"), just like with "you" ("You throw the frisbee to yourself").

pigsflew commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to just have pronoun.is/they///themself?