witchcrafters / algae

Bootstrapped algebraic data types for Elixir
MIT License
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Create/update filters #2

Open expede opened 8 years ago

expede commented 8 years ago

Similar to what can be achieved with a Haskell newtype, provide a function to modify or validate an incoming value.


def mod(num, denom) do
  inter = rem(num, denom)
  if inter < 0 do denom + inter else denom end 

defdata Clock do
  hour: mod(integer, 24)
  minute: mod(integer, 60)

five_minutes = %Clock{hour: -1, minute: 55}
# => %Clock{hour: 23, minute: 55}

%five_minutes{minute: 102}
# => Clock[hour: 23, minute: 42]
hariroshan commented 5 years ago

The following code is giving Compilation error

def mod(num, denom) do
  inter = rem(num, denom)
  if inter < 0 do denom + inter else denom end 

defdata Clock do
  hour: mod(integer, 24)
  minute: mod(integer, 60)

Here is my code

defmodule ClockModule do

  def mod(num, denom) do
    inter = rem(num, denom)
    if inter < 0 do denom + inter else denom end

  defdata Clock do
    hour :: mod(integer, 24) # I replaced ' : ' with ' :: ' and now I get new error "type: mod/2 undefined"
    minute :: mod(integer, 60)

Is there a fix for this. I also tried

defdata Clock, validate: mod do

like it was mentioned in the other issue. I get the following error with this approach " undefined function defdata/3 "

expede commented 5 years ago

Is there a fix for this. I also tried defdata Clock, validate: mod do

Validators and filters do not exist yet. This Issue is an idea for a potential future feature, and is not expected to work in the current version of the library.

defdata Clock do
  hour :: mod(integer, 24) # I replaced ' : ' with ' :: ' and now I get new error "type: mod/2 undefined"
  minute :: mod(integer, 60)

The :: operator is for declaring types, not values. Elixir has no concept of liquid types, so we're restricted to the built-in ones, or combinations of them. This means that you cannot express "integers from 0-60" at the type level, but you can enforce this when creating values (like the newtype "smart constructor" tricks in Haskell).

If I'm reading your code correctly, I think that maybe you're trying to do something like this (with today's features):

defmodule Clock do
  def mod(num, denom) do
    inter = rem(num, denom)
    if inter < 0, do: denom + inter, else: denom

  defdata do
    hour :: non_neg_integer()
    minute :: non_neg_integer()

  def new(hour, minute) do
      hour: mod(hour, 24),
      minute: mod(minute, 60)
hariroshan commented 5 years ago

Yep. That's it. Thanks for reply. 💯 👍

toraritte commented 5 years ago

A Haskell or PureScript record would be a simple map in Elixir, right? So type Username = { first :: String, last :: String} would be %Username{first: nil, last: nil} in Elixir.

sidenote: Because all Algae types are structs, if there would be a Record type, it could use @enforce_keys for required fields.

OvermindDL1 commented 5 years ago

A Haskell or PureScript record would be a simple map in Elixir, right?

Ehhhh, a haskell record would more closely map to a tuple in Elixir. A row-typed record would map to a map in Elixir.

toraritte commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Yeah, I haven't really gotten to learn about row-types yet, but as you can read above, I just realized that defdata is really for product types and not records (however stupid this sounds).

edit: Is there an official forum for the Witchcraft ecosystem? Don't want to mess up the issues with my comments.

toraritte commented 5 years ago

After a couple days, here's may take on #2 and #3, the way Haskell and PureScript smart constructors are working (based on my limited knowledge) where every type is responsible for their own consistency.

Some experiments are documented in #37 using two new macros, Quark.Partial.defpartialx/2 and Algae.defdatax/1 macros (experiments branch at latest commit - the code is a mess, and most probably has lots of parts that is inefficient or downright wrong. Also, some of the outputs are extremely verbose because I was learning about macros as I went along.)

EDIT: experiments branch (somewhat) cleaned up

2 example

def mod(num, denom) do
  inter = rem(num, denom)
  if inter < 0 do denom + inter else denom end 

defdata Clock do
  hour: mod(integer, 24)
  minute: mod(integer, 60)

five_minutes = %Clock{hour: -1, minute: 55}
# => %Clock{hour: 23, minute: 55}

%five_minutes{minute: 102}
# => Clock[hour: 23, minute: 42]

Using defdatax:

defmodule Clock do
  import Algae

  defdatax do
    hour :: Clock.Hour
    minute :: Clock.Minute

  def new(minutes) do
    mins = rem(minutes, 60)
    hours = div(minutes, 60)
    new(hours, minutes)

  def new(hours, minutes) do
    h = Clock.Hour.new(hours)
    m = Clock.Minute.new(minutes)

  def mod(num, denom) do
    inter = rem(num, denom)
    if inter < 0 do denom + inter else inter end

  defmodule Hour do
    defdatax do
      hour :: integer

    def new(hour) do
      |> Clock.mod(24)
      |> super()

  defmodule Minute do
    defdatax do
      minute :: integer

    def new(minute) do
      |> Clock.mod(60)
      |> super()


iex(38)> Clock.new(-1, 55) 
%Clock{hour: %Clock.Hour{hour: 23}, minute: %Clock.Minute{minute: 55}}

iex(39)> Clock.new(202)    
%Clock{hour: %Clock.Hour{hour: 3}, minute: %Clock.Minute{minute: 22}}

3 example

defdata AcuteTriangle, validate: acute do
  angle1: float
  angle2: float

defp acute(%AcuteTriangle{angle1: angle1, angle2: angle2}) do: abs(angle1 - angle2) < 90.0

Using defdatax:

defmodule AcuteTriangle do
  import Algae
  defdatax do
    angle1 :: float
    angle2 :: float

  def new(alfa, beta) do

    # well, overriding a constructor also overrides type checking...
    super(alfa, beta)

    case abs(alfa - beta) < 90.0 do
      false ->
        raise(ArgumentError, "angles are not acute")
      true ->
        super(alfa, beta)


iex(47)> AcuteTriangle.new(2.0, 127.0)
** (ArgumentError) angles are not acute
    iex:54: AcuteTriangle.new/2

iex(42)> AcuteTriangle.new
#Function<1.38387210/1 in AcuteTriangle.new/0>

iex(43)> AcuteTriangle.new.(2)
** (ArgumentError) not float
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:12: Algae.Prim.float/1
    iex:43: anonymous fn/2 in AcuteTriangle.new/1
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:43: AcuteTriangle.new/1

iex(43)> AcuteTriangle.new(2.0)
#Function<3.38387210/1 in AcuteTriangle.new/1>

iex(44)> AcuteTriangle.new(2.0).(27.0)
%AcuteTriangle{angle1: 2.0, angle2: 27.0}

iex(45)> AcuteTriangle.new(2.0).(27)  
** (ArgumentError) not float
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:12: Algae.Prim.float/1
    iex:43: anonymous fn/2 in AcuteTriangle.newp/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:43: AcuteTriangle.newp/2

iex(45)> AcuteTriangle.new.(2.0).(27.0)
%AcuteTriangle{angle1: 2.0, angle2: 27.0}

iex(46)> AcuteTriangle.new(2.0, 27)    
** (ArgumentError) not float
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:12: Algae.Prim.float/1
    iex:43: anonymous fn/2 in AcuteTriangle.newp/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:43: AcuteTriangle.newp/2
    iex:50: AcuteTriangle.new/2

iex(46)> AcuteTriangle.new(2.0, 27.0)
%AcuteTriangle{angle1: 2.0, angle2: 27.0}

Type checking and constructor override examples

defmodule Person do
  import Algae

  defdatax do
    name :: string
    age  :: integer

defmodule Employee do
  import Algae

  defdatax do
    person :: Person
    role :: string

  def new(person), do: raise(UndefinedFunctionError, "locked")

Testing Person:

iex(7)> Person.new 
#Function<1.56597431/1 in Person.new/0>

iex(8)> Person.new("lofa")
#Function<3.56597431/1 in Person.new/1>

iex(9)> Person.new.("lofa")
#Function<3.56597431/1 in Person.new/1>

iex(10)> Person.new(27)    
** (ArgumentError) not string
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:6: Algae.Prim.string/1
    iex:7: anonymous fn/2 in Person.new/1
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:7: Person.new/1

iex(10)> Person.new.(27)
** (ArgumentError) not string
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:6: Algae.Prim.string/1
    iex:7: anonymous fn/2 in Person.new/1
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:7: Person.new/1

iex(10)> Person.new("lofa").(27) 
%Person{age: 27, name: "lofa"}

iex(11)> Person.new("lofa",27) 
%Person{age: 27, name: "lofa"}

iex(12)> Person.new("lofa").(:a)
** (ArgumentError) not integer
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:3: Algae.Prim.integer/1
    iex:7: anonymous fn/2 in Person.newp/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:7: Person.newp/2

iex(12)> Person.new("lofa", :a) 
** (ArgumentError) not integer
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:3: Algae.Prim.integer/1
    iex:7: anonymous fn/2 in Person.newp/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:7: Person.newp/2

Testing Employee:

iex(13)> Employee.new 
#Function<1.49791001/1 in Employee.new/0>

iex(14)> Employee.new.(27)
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function
    iex:14: Employee.new/1

iex(14)> Employee.new(27) 
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function
    iex:14: Employee.new/1

iex(14)> Employee.new(27, "janitor")
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Person.type/1    

    The following arguments were given to Person.type/1:

        # 1

    iex:7: Person.type/1
    iex:9: anonymous fn/2 in Employee.newp/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:9: Employee.newp/2

iex(14)> Employee.new(%Person{name: "lofa", age: 27}, "janitor")
%Employee{person: %Person{age: 27, name: "lofa"}, role: "janitor"}

iex(15)> Employee.new(Person.new.("lofa").(27), "janitor")     
%Employee{person: %Person{age: 27, name: "lofa"}, role: "janitor"}

iex(16)> Employee.new(Person.new.(2).(27), "janitor")     
** (ArgumentError) not string
    (algae) lib/algae/prim.ex:6: Algae.Prim.string/1
    iex:7: anonymous fn/2 in Person.new/1
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:7: Person.new/1

Overriding type checking for complex types

An example:

defmodule BinaryId do
  import Algae

  defdatax do
    binary_id :: binary

  def new() do
    # Ecto.UUID.generate()
    # |> new()

  def type(%__MODULE__{binary_id: "binary_id"}) do
    # Ecto.UUID.cast!(binary_id)

  def type(_), do: raise(ArgumentError, "not #{__MODULE__}")

defmodule User do
  import Algae

  defdatax do
    user_id :: BinaryId
    name    :: string

iex(4)> BinaryId.new
%BinaryId{binary_id: "binary_id"}

iex(5)> BinaryId.new("lofa")
** (ArgumentError) not Elixir.BinaryId
    iex:18: BinaryId.type/1
    iex:4: BinaryId.newp/1

iex(12)> User.new(BinaryId.new())
#Function<3.96843422/1 in User.new/1>

iex(13)> User.new(BinaryId.new()).("lofa")
  name: "lofa",
  user_id: %BinaryId{binary_id: "87063522-8bd5-42fe-876a-22f3afa12b6c"}

iex(16)> User.new("binary")               
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in BinaryId.type/1    

    The following arguments were given to BinaryId.type/1:

        # 1

    iex:21: BinaryId.type/1
    iex:14: anonymous fn/2 in User.new/1
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:14: User.new/1

iex(16)> User.new(<<1,2,3>>)
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in BinaryId.type/1    

    The following arguments were given to BinaryId.type/1:

        # 1
        <<1, 2, 3>>

    iex:21: BinaryId.type/1
    iex:14: anonymous fn/2 in User.new/1
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1925: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    iex:14: User.new/1
expede commented 5 years ago

A Haskell or PureScript record would be a simple map in Elixir, right?

A Haskell record is here modeled with an Elixir struct

expede commented 5 years ago

the way Haskell and PureScript smart constructors

Haskell's smart constructors are just regular functions without the handy sugar, and generally hiding the normal constructor.

Special Syntax

Yes, this is the general idea from the issue. I'd be happy to have this functionality if your branch is all good 👍

Overriding Type Checking

Hmm, it would be good if the smart constructor didn't need to do this (also if we can avoid subtyping, that would be ideal.) Algae does need some TLC to add type variables and whatnot (the autogenerated types right now are pretty "dumb"), which may help with this issue, if I'm understanding correctly.

Hiding the Data Constructor

You can hide the main struct syntax constructor with a use, but people can always import and get access to the %Foo{} syntax. Structs aren't as guarded in Elixir, and it's absolutely possible to arbitrarily add or alter fields in an Elixir struct. The most common ways of using a struct will check fields, but they're not guaranteed across all functions.

toraritte commented 5 years ago

Special Syntax

Yes, this is the general idea from the issue. I'd be happy to have this functionality if your branch is all good

I'll clean things up, and will do a pull request for you to review then. Thanks!

Overriding Type Checking

You're right, I was totally overthinking this.

Hiding the Data Constructor

You can hide the main struct syntax constructor with a use

I think I'm missing a very basic thing here, because this is new. Would you give an example?

Structs aren't as guarded in Elixir, and it's absolutely possible to arbitrarily add or alter fields in an Elixir struct.

Yes, just realized a couple days ago that even though defdata and defsum are the Algae way to create product types and sum types, but in the end the result is an Elixir struct.

A Haskell record is here modeled with an Elixir struct

Thanks again. As I realized above, I have to stop perceiving Algae as Haskell in Elixir. Algae and others in this family allow more control, but it's still plain Elixir. (I feel stupid reading back the last sentence, but it took me some time to get there...)