witchtails / planning

Plannning for witchtails
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Adopt: sshex #1

Open Raphexion opened 9 months ago

Raphexion commented 9 months ago

Current GitHub Repository


Primary WitchTails Shepard of this Repository


Reason for adoption

The project is stable but is looking for new maintainers.

Raphexion commented 8 months ago

Hey @rubencaro,

We see that you are looking for maintainers. It seems like your package would be a perfect fit for witchtails.

Would you consider moving your package over to us.

Kind regards Niklas

rubencaro commented 8 months ago

@Raphexion sorry that it took me so long to see your message.

Of course! That's great news.

How do you prefer we do the transfer? Do you prefer to just fork it and then I can mention in the README that yours is the main one now?


Raphexion commented 8 months ago

@rubencaro Not worries at all. I just wrote you today :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face:

I think your idea is the best (fork the repo + README). I will aim to fork the repo tomorrow (I have to leave for today). And then when it is done I can ping you.

But the most important is that you are happy with the solution (witchtails takes over maintenance) :sun_with_face:

If you want to chat to the rest of the team we are in the #witchtails channel in the Elixir slack workspace.

rubencaro commented 8 months ago

@Raphexion I am more than happy :grin:

Raphexion commented 8 months ago

@rubencaro :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face: :sun_with_face:

Btw, I was thinking about hex.pm. We have created an organization: https://hex.pm/dashboard/orgs/witchtails

Would you mind adding witchtails and/or me to the package. I think we should start with just adding an owner instead of transfering the ownership. Later when we are all happy we can figure it out.


mix hex.owner

If you have another suggestion don't hesitate to comment on a better approach.

rubencaro commented 8 months ago

Done image

Raphexion commented 8 months ago

Thank you :sun_with_face: :sunny: I am working on the first update of the package. And I will try to make a v2.3.0 fairly soon.

Just want to make sure that all the upgrades don't break anything: https://github.com/witchtails/sshex/pull/1

Raphexion commented 8 months ago

@rubencaro I can see that I am going to get a lot of line changes in my PR for sshex. And it looks like I've written a lot of code, which I think is unfair. We can change it so that you are the author. (Either through git-magic or by running mix format before I take over the code).

You did all the hard work and I think you should have credit for that :muscle: :medal_sports:

rubencaro commented 8 months ago

@Raphexion No problem for me. I already got enough credit for this and other things I did back then :grin:. Go on as it is. It's also good that it is visible that this is your baby now!

Raphexion commented 8 months ago

Thank you for all the help :sun_with_face: :purple_heart: