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Canvas crashes(?) on mobile. #1010

Open ktym4a opened 1 month ago

ktym4a commented 1 month ago

Scrolling the screen on mobile is very laggy, and then the screen flickers for a moment and attached image's canvas area is crashing(?)

I'm using Pixel 5 and Chrome 122.0.6261.105


ktym4a commented 1 month ago

I can see this message in console. WebGL: CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: loseContext: context lost

and I did some research. Reducing width and height of this will reduce lag, but will change the look... https://github.com/withastro/astro.build/blob/880019d62dc55e0ff4b09d3ccd2843e30b8b399b/src/pages/db/_components/features/GlobalDistribution.astro#L30-L64