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Handle encoded image paths in markdown #11310

Closed bluwy closed 1 week ago

bluwy commented 1 week ago


fix https://github.com/withastro/astro/issues/11291

The markdown vfile data.imagePaths now contains decoded paths instead of possibly-encoded paths. I'm not sure if this is ideal/intentional for the option itself, but this top-level change helps align all downstream usage:

  1. Printing decoded paths in the imports allow Vite to properly resolve assets (Also a Vite bug)


  1. MDX rehypeImageToComponent currently compares with decoded paths, the generated imports are also decoded:


  1. rehype-images is also comparing with decoded paths:


  1. Encoded paths also messes with this regex generation (that I don't complete understand yet):


So with the above discoveries, I made this PR change instead of keeping imagePaths encoded only.


Added new tests


n/a. bug fix.

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