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VSCode "Go To Definition/Implementations/.." in web-component, opens "index.astro.0.mts" #11333

Closed ambrt closed 3 days ago

ambrt commented 3 days ago

Astro Info

Astro                    v4.11.1
Node                     v20.4.0
System                   Linux (x64)
Package Manager          npm
Output                   server
Adapter                  @astrojs/cloudflare
Integrations             @astrojs/svelte

If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?

No response

Describe the Bug

I have a web component in index.astro file. When in VSCode i click any of "Go to Definition/Implementations/References" on a function inside this component, it opens new empty file "index.astro.0.mts". It happens both for functions in constructor and for methods.

What's the expected result?

VSCode should go to function inside of web component.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example

not applicable


Princesseuh commented 3 days ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/withastro/language-tools/issues/876