withastro / astro

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feat: add Content Layer loader #11334

Closed ascorbic closed 1 day ago

ascorbic commented 3 days ago

This is the work-in-progress branch implementing the Content Layer RFC.


There is an example site in the content-layer fixture, which shows the use of a custom loader and the file() loader. Currently the API for end user looks like this:

import { defineCollection, file, z } from 'astro:content';
import { loader } from '../loaders/post-loader.js';

const blog = defineCollection({
    type: "experimental_data",
    loader: loader({ url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts" }),

const dogs = defineCollection({
    type: "experimental_data",
    // The built in `file` loader loads multiple items from a JSON file
    loader: file("_data/dogs.json"),
    schema: z.object({
        breed: z.string(),
        id: z.string(),
        size: z.string(),
        origin: z.string(),
        lifespan: z.string(),
        temperament: z.array(z.string())
export const collections = { blog, dogs };

The blog collection shows a custom loader. These can be defined like this:

import type { Loader } from 'astro:content';

export interface PostLoaderConfig {
    url: string;

export function loader(config:PostLoaderConfig): Loader {
    return {
        name: "post-loader",
        load: async ({
            store, meta, logger
        }) => {
            logger.info('Loading posts');

            const lastSynced = meta.get('lastSynced');

            // Don't sync more than once a minute
            if (lastSynced && (Date.now() - Number(lastSynced) < 1000 * 60)) {
                    logger.info('Skipping sync');

            const posts = await fetch(config.url)
                .then((res) => res.json());


            for (const post of posts) {
                store.set(post.id, post);
            meta.set('lastSynced', String(Date.now()));

The API is currently defined like this:

export interface Loader<S extends ZodSchema = ZodSchema> {
    /** Unique name of the loader, e.g. the npm package name */
    name: string;
    /** Do the actual loading of the data */
    load: (context: LoaderContext) => Promise<void>;
    /** Optionally, define the schema of the data. Overridden by user-defined schema */
    schema?: S | Promise<S> | (() => S | Promise<S>);
    // Not yet implemented
    render?: (entry: any, options: any) => any;

export interface LoaderContext {
    collection: string;
    /** A database abstraction to store the actual data */
    store: ScopedDataStore;
    /**  A simple KV store, designed for things like sync tokens */
    meta: MetaStore;
    logger: AstroIntegrationLogger;

    settings: AstroSettings;

    /** Validates and parses the data according to the schema */
    parseData<T extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>>(
        props: ParseDataOptions
    ): T;

export interface ParseDataOptions {
    /** The ID of the entry. Unique per collection */
    id: string;
    /** The raw, unvalidated data of the entry */
    data: Record<string, unknown>;
    /** An optional file path, where the entry represents a local file */
    filePath?: string;

Currently there is no support for loading md or mdx files using glob(), or for defining renderers.

Querying is currently limited to getCollection and getDataEntryById, with no filter options.

To test this, install the experimental version with npm install astro@experimental--content-layer


changeset-bot[bot] commented 3 days ago

⚠️ No Changeset found

Latest commit: 6bb89bc82711465d738a7a40196066893ade8b78

Merging this PR will not cause a version bump for any packages. If these changes should not result in a new version, you're good to go. If these changes should result in a version bump, you need to add a changeset.

Click here to learn what changesets are, and how to add one.

Click here if you're a maintainer who wants to add a changeset to this PR

github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Snapshots have been released for the following packages:

🦋  warn ===============================IMPORTANT!===============================
🦋  warn Packages will be released under the experimental--content-layer tag
🦋  warn ----------------------------------------------------------------------
🦋  info npm info astro
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/prism
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/rss
🦋  info npm info create-astro
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/db
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/alpinejs
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/lit
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/markdoc
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/mdx
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/node
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/partytown
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/preact
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/react
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/sitemap
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/solid-js
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/svelte
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/tailwind
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/vercel
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/vue
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/web-vitals
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/internal-helpers
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/markdown-remark
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/studio
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/telemetry
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/underscore-redirects
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/upgrade
🦋  info astro is being published because our local version (0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519) has not been published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/prism is not being published because version 3.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/rss is not being published because version 4.0.7 is already published on npm
🦋  warn create-astro is not being published because version 4.8.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/db is not being published because version 0.11.7 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/alpinejs is not being published because version 0.4.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/lit is not being published because version 4.3.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/markdoc is not being published because version 0.11.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/mdx is not being published because version 3.1.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/node is not being published because version 8.3.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/partytown is not being published because version 2.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/preact is not being published because version 3.5.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/react is not being published because version 3.6.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/sitemap is not being published because version 3.1.6 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/solid-js is not being published because version 4.4.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/svelte is not being published because version 5.6.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/tailwind is not being published because version 5.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/vercel is not being published because version 7.7.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/vue is not being published because version 4.5.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/web-vitals is not being published because version 0.2.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/internal-helpers is not being published because version 0.4.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/markdown-remark is not being published because version 5.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/studio is not being published because version 0.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/telemetry is not being published because version 3.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/underscore-redirects is not being published because version 0.3.4 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/upgrade is not being published because version 0.3.1 is already published on npm
🦋  info Publishing "astro" at "0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519"
🦋  success packages published successfully:
🦋  astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519
🦋  Creating git tag...
🦋  New tag:  astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519

Build Log ``` > root@0.0.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro > turbo run build --filter=astro --filter=create-astro --filter="@astrojs/*" --filter="@benchmark/*" • Packages in scope: @astrojs/alpinejs, @astrojs/cloudflare, @astrojs/db, @astrojs/internal-helpers, @astrojs/lit, @astrojs/markdoc, @astrojs/markdown-remark, @astrojs/mdx, @astrojs/netlify, @astrojs/node, @astrojs/partytown, @astrojs/preact, @astrojs/prism, @astrojs/react, @astrojs/rss, @astrojs/sitemap, @astrojs/solid-js, @astrojs/studio, @astrojs/svelte, @astrojs/tailwind, @astrojs/telemetry, @astrojs/underscore-redirects, @astrojs/upgrade, @astrojs/vercel, @astrojs/vue, @astrojs/web-vitals, @benchmark/timer, astro, create-astro • Running build in 29 packages • Remote caching enabled ::group::@astrojs/prism:build cache miss, executing 82fa269e60a35beb > @astrojs/prism@3.1.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro-prism > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc -p ./tsconfig.json ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/internal-helpers:build cache miss, executing e8d97ce643c579cb > @astrojs/internal-helpers@0.4.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/internal-helpers > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc -p tsconfig.json > @astrojs/internal-helpers@0.4.1 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/internal-helpers > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.js" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/upgrade:build cache miss, executing bc4f3f091f583ec1 > @astrojs/upgrade@0.3.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/upgrade > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" --bundle && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::create-astro:build cache miss, executing 935b58c36a25eda3 > create-astro@4.8.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/create-astro > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" --bundle && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/telemetry:build cache miss, executing ec7499837d68ccd3 > @astrojs/telemetry@3.1.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/telemetry > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/markdown-remark:build cache miss, executing e04f3084b2a283e9 > @astrojs/markdown-remark@5.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/markdown/remark > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc -p tsconfig.json > @astrojs/markdown-remark@5.1.1 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/markdown/remark > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.js" ::endgroup:: ::group::astro:build cache miss, executing 42f3fedbd4fab130 > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > pnpm run prebuild && astro-scripts build "src/**/*.{ts,js}" && tsc && pnpm run postbuild > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519 prebuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > astro-scripts prebuild --to-string "src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts" "src/runtime/client/{idle,load,media,only,visible}.ts" > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626124519 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.astro" && astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.wasm" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/studio:build cache miss, executing 0614bb5c16f70c12 > @astrojs/studio@0.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/studio > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/rss:build cache miss, executing 1a141c1755eff4b5 > @astrojs/rss@4.0.7 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro-rss > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/lit:build cache miss, executing 0858051da192c352 > @astrojs/lit@4.3.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/lit > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@benchmark/timer:build cache miss, executing f90e2023a46f542b > @benchmark/timer@0.0.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/benchmark/packages/timer > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/react:build cache miss, executing d588dd91b9cd378b > @astrojs/react@3.6.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/react > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/solid-js:build cache miss, executing 4dc3f1dae2c5d4b9 > @astrojs/solid-js@4.4.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/solid > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/markdoc:build cache miss, executing 2507837e748f21f8 > @astrojs/markdoc@0.11.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/markdoc > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/preact:build cache miss, executing c21383baccb0c87d > @astrojs/preact@3.5.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/preact > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/mdx:build cache miss, executing be3ea6adf7f38c15 > @astrojs/mdx@3.1.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/mdx > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/svelte:build cache miss, executing 6ec566718dc38d4f > @astrojs/svelte@5.6.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/svelte > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" && astro-scripts build "src/editor.cts" --force-cjs --no-clean-dist && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/tailwind:build cache miss, executing 3c1383fc28eab31d > @astrojs/tailwind@5.1.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/tailwind > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/vercel:build cache miss, executing d8103b5db339664a > @astrojs/vercel@7.7.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/vercel > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/underscore-redirects:build cache miss, executing 4456b5ffcea63d3b > @astrojs/underscore-redirects@0.3.4 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/underscore-redirects > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc -p tsconfig.json > @astrojs/underscore-redirects@0.3.4 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/underscore-redirects > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.js" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/alpinejs:build cache miss, executing f63dffdc8c3b96ca > @astrojs/alpinejs@0.4.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/alpinejs > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/node:build cache miss, executing e8119fb16466138e > @astrojs/node@8.3.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/node > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/partytown:build cache miss, executing 5328ee89c895f898 > @astrojs/partytown@2.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/partytown > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/vue:build cache miss, executing b7bc83d5e24beed4 > @astrojs/vue@4.5.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/vue > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" && astro-scripts build "src/editor.cts" --force-cjs --no-clean-dist && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/sitemap:build cache miss, executing 68713d130d6e3a33 > @astrojs/sitemap@3.1.6 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/sitemap > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/db:build cache miss, executing e5e8d368556c73e2 > @astrojs/db@0.11.7 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/db > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc && pnpm types:virtual > @astrojs/db@0.11.7 types:virtual /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/db > tsc -p ./tsconfig.virtual.json ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/web-vitals:build cache miss, executing 5e76869b7b502e97 > @astrojs/web-vitals@0.2.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/web-vitals > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: Tasks: 27 successful, 27 total Cached: 0 cached, 27 total Time: 56.264s ```
github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Snapshots have been released for the following packages:

🦋  warn ===============================IMPORTANT!===============================
🦋  warn Packages will be released under the experimental--content-layer tag
🦋  warn ----------------------------------------------------------------------
🦋  info npm info astro
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/prism
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/rss
🦋  info npm info create-astro
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/db
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/alpinejs
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/lit
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/markdoc
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/mdx
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/node
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/partytown
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/preact
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/react
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/sitemap
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/solid-js
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/svelte
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/tailwind
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/vercel
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/vue
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/web-vitals
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/internal-helpers
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/markdown-remark
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/studio
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/telemetry
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/underscore-redirects
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/upgrade
🦋  info astro is being published because our local version (0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837) has not been published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/prism is not being published because version 3.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/rss is not being published because version 4.0.7 is already published on npm
🦋  warn create-astro is not being published because version 4.8.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/db is not being published because version 0.11.7 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/alpinejs is not being published because version 0.4.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/lit is not being published because version 4.3.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/markdoc is not being published because version 0.11.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/mdx is not being published because version 3.1.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/node is not being published because version 8.3.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/partytown is not being published because version 2.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/preact is not being published because version 3.5.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/react is not being published because version 3.6.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/sitemap is not being published because version 3.1.6 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/solid-js is not being published because version 4.4.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/svelte is not being published because version 5.6.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/tailwind is not being published because version 5.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/vercel is not being published because version 7.7.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/vue is not being published because version 4.5.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/web-vitals is not being published because version 0.2.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/internal-helpers is not being published because version 0.4.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/markdown-remark is not being published because version 5.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/studio is not being published because version 0.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/telemetry is not being published because version 3.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/underscore-redirects is not being published because version 0.3.4 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/upgrade is not being published because version 0.3.1 is already published on npm
🦋  info Publishing "astro" at "0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837"
🦋  success packages published successfully:
🦋  astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837
🦋  Creating git tag...
🦋  New tag:  astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837

Build Log ``` > root@0.0.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro > turbo run build --filter=astro --filter=create-astro --filter="@astrojs/*" --filter="@benchmark/*" • Packages in scope: @astrojs/alpinejs, @astrojs/cloudflare, @astrojs/db, @astrojs/internal-helpers, @astrojs/lit, @astrojs/markdoc, @astrojs/markdown-remark, @astrojs/mdx, @astrojs/netlify, @astrojs/node, @astrojs/partytown, @astrojs/preact, @astrojs/prism, @astrojs/react, @astrojs/rss, @astrojs/sitemap, @astrojs/solid-js, @astrojs/studio, @astrojs/svelte, @astrojs/tailwind, @astrojs/telemetry, @astrojs/underscore-redirects, @astrojs/upgrade, @astrojs/vercel, @astrojs/vue, @astrojs/web-vitals, @benchmark/timer, astro, create-astro • Running build in 29 packages • Remote caching enabled ::group::@astrojs/prism:build cache hit, suppressing logs 82fa269e60a35beb ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/telemetry:build cache hit, suppressing logs ec7499837d68ccd3 ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/upgrade:build cache hit, suppressing logs bc4f3f091f583ec1 ::endgroup:: ::group::create-astro:build cache hit, suppressing logs 935b58c36a25eda3 ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/internal-helpers:build cache hit, suppressing logs e8d97ce643c579cb ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/markdown-remark:build cache hit, suppressing logs e04f3084b2a283e9 ::endgroup:: ::group::astro:build cache miss, executing 997b04267f5abc78 > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > pnpm run prebuild && astro-scripts build "src/**/*.{ts,js}" && tsc && pnpm run postbuild > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837 prebuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > astro-scripts prebuild --to-string "src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts" "src/runtime/client/{idle,load,media,only,visible}.ts" > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626134837 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.astro" && astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.wasm" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/lit:build cache miss, executing 57be87a939ebd357 > @astrojs/lit@4.3.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/lit > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/partytown:build cache miss, executing 78b085202aa3c732 > @astrojs/partytown@2.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/partytown > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/underscore-redirects:build cache miss, executing 7268c028836e31e9 > @astrojs/underscore-redirects@0.3.4 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/underscore-redirects > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc -p tsconfig.json > @astrojs/underscore-redirects@0.3.4 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/underscore-redirects > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.js" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/react:build cache miss, executing a0492138ca1f18b9 > @astrojs/react@3.6.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/react > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/tailwind:build cache miss, executing e409c02fb7b6af09 > @astrojs/tailwind@5.1.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/tailwind > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/solid-js:build cache miss, executing 0fe8daf8f67acd93 > @astrojs/solid-js@4.4.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/solid > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/markdoc:build cache miss, executing def7a62e36ba865e > @astrojs/markdoc@0.11.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/markdoc > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/mdx:build cache miss, executing a9d5a2e14359d77f > @astrojs/mdx@3.1.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/mdx > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/preact:build cache miss, executing 8427716720dc550e > @astrojs/preact@3.5.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/preact > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/svelte:build cache miss, executing 7145f992db2d4d5d > @astrojs/svelte@5.6.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/svelte > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" && astro-scripts build "src/editor.cts" --force-cjs --no-clean-dist && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/rss:build cache miss, executing 41a7114a5a199bef > @astrojs/rss@4.0.7 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro-rss > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/studio:build cache miss, executing 3b8841b4d351c0a6 > @astrojs/studio@0.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/studio > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/alpinejs:build cache miss, executing f9b93e97e46a600d > @astrojs/alpinejs@0.4.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/alpinejs > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/node:build cache miss, executing f85a74f46d38cc9a > @astrojs/node@8.3.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/node > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/vercel:build cache miss, executing 1c2c59bcb4a3e5aa > @astrojs/vercel@7.7.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/vercel > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@benchmark/timer:build cache miss, executing 3877977b8cef221d > @benchmark/timer@0.0.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/benchmark/packages/timer > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/vue:build cache miss, executing f40d79941165d31e > @astrojs/vue@4.5.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/vue > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" && astro-scripts build "src/editor.cts" --force-cjs --no-clean-dist && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/sitemap:build cache miss, executing 1d0723ce5cdc2565 > @astrojs/sitemap@3.1.6 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/sitemap > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/db:build cache miss, executing dc01d37ca00e8607 > @astrojs/db@0.11.7 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/db > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc && pnpm types:virtual > @astrojs/db@0.11.7 types:virtual /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/db > tsc -p ./tsconfig.virtual.json ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/web-vitals:build cache miss, executing f95d4d3ff585ad8a > @astrojs/web-vitals@0.2.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/web-vitals > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: Tasks: 27 successful, 27 total Cached: 6 cached, 27 total Time: 49.777s ```
github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Snapshots have been released for the following packages:

🦋  warn ===============================IMPORTANT!===============================
🦋  warn Packages will be released under the experimental--content-layer tag
🦋  warn ----------------------------------------------------------------------
🦋  info npm info astro
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/prism
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/rss
🦋  info npm info create-astro
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/db
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/alpinejs
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/lit
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/markdoc
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/mdx
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/node
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/partytown
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/preact
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/react
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/sitemap
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/solid-js
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/svelte
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/tailwind
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/vercel
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/vue
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/web-vitals
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/internal-helpers
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/markdown-remark
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/studio
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/telemetry
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/underscore-redirects
🦋  info npm info @astrojs/upgrade
🦋  info astro is being published because our local version (0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213) has not been published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/prism is not being published because version 3.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/rss is not being published because version 4.0.7 is already published on npm
🦋  warn create-astro is not being published because version 4.8.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/db is not being published because version 0.11.7 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/alpinejs is not being published because version 0.4.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/lit is not being published because version 4.3.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/markdoc is not being published because version 0.11.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/mdx is not being published because version 3.1.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/node is not being published because version 8.3.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/partytown is not being published because version 2.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/preact is not being published because version 3.5.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/react is not being published because version 3.6.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/sitemap is not being published because version 3.1.6 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/solid-js is not being published because version 4.4.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/svelte is not being published because version 5.6.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/tailwind is not being published because version 5.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/vercel is not being published because version 7.7.2 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/vue is not being published because version 4.5.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/web-vitals is not being published because version 0.2.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/internal-helpers is not being published because version 0.4.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/markdown-remark is not being published because version 5.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/studio is not being published because version 0.1.1 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/telemetry is not being published because version 3.1.0 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/underscore-redirects is not being published because version 0.3.4 is already published on npm
🦋  warn @astrojs/upgrade is not being published because version 0.3.1 is already published on npm
🦋  info Publishing "astro" at "0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213"
🦋  success packages published successfully:
🦋  astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213
🦋  Creating git tag...
🦋  New tag:  astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213

Build Log ``` > root@0.0.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro > turbo run build --filter=astro --filter=create-astro --filter="@astrojs/*" --filter="@benchmark/*" • Packages in scope: @astrojs/alpinejs, @astrojs/cloudflare, @astrojs/db, @astrojs/internal-helpers, @astrojs/lit, @astrojs/markdoc, @astrojs/markdown-remark, @astrojs/mdx, @astrojs/netlify, @astrojs/node, @astrojs/partytown, @astrojs/preact, @astrojs/prism, @astrojs/react, @astrojs/rss, @astrojs/sitemap, @astrojs/solid-js, @astrojs/studio, @astrojs/svelte, @astrojs/tailwind, @astrojs/telemetry, @astrojs/underscore-redirects, @astrojs/upgrade, @astrojs/vercel, @astrojs/vue, @astrojs/web-vitals, @benchmark/timer, astro, create-astro • Running build in 29 packages • Remote caching enabled ::group::@astrojs/upgrade:build cache hit, suppressing logs bc4f3f091f583ec1 ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/telemetry:build cache hit, suppressing logs ec7499837d68ccd3 ::endgroup:: ::group::create-astro:build cache hit, suppressing logs 935b58c36a25eda3 ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/internal-helpers:build cache hit, suppressing logs e8d97ce643c579cb ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/prism:build cache hit, suppressing logs 82fa269e60a35beb ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/markdown-remark:build cache hit, suppressing logs e04f3084b2a283e9 ::endgroup:: ::group::astro:build cache miss, executing 31039041a22a123f > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > pnpm run prebuild && astro-scripts build "src/**/*.{ts,js}" && tsc && pnpm run postbuild > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213 prebuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > astro-scripts prebuild --to-string "src/runtime/server/astro-island.ts" "src/runtime/client/{idle,load,media,only,visible}.ts" > astro@0.0.0-content-layer-20240626163213 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.astro" && astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.wasm" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/studio:build cache miss, executing cde0a60f1cbd58e7 > @astrojs/studio@0.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/studio > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/lit:build cache miss, executing 590da9547eb9758e > @astrojs/lit@4.3.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/lit > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/partytown:build cache miss, executing f563b6b14ecf2e5a > @astrojs/partytown@2.1.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/partytown > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/underscore-redirects:build cache miss, executing 5e7f7e8dd20771bf > @astrojs/underscore-redirects@0.3.4 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/underscore-redirects > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc -p tsconfig.json > @astrojs/underscore-redirects@0.3.4 postbuild /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/underscore-redirects > astro-scripts copy "src/**/*.js" ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/rss:build cache miss, executing db00d8b44f868905 > @astrojs/rss@4.0.7 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/astro-rss > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/node:build cache miss, executing 5769374ccf98a18d > @astrojs/node@8.3.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/node > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/tailwind:build cache miss, executing d2a26a51130d540a > @astrojs/tailwind@5.1.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/tailwind > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/mdx:build cache miss, executing 58aa9788bd9506c6 > @astrojs/mdx@3.1.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/mdx > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/markdoc:build cache miss, executing c530d6d95a7dce23 > @astrojs/markdoc@0.11.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/markdoc > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/svelte:build cache miss, executing 3fcbe38704a147bd > @astrojs/svelte@5.6.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/svelte > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" && astro-scripts build "src/editor.cts" --force-cjs --no-clean-dist && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/solid-js:build cache miss, executing 7aa1aec0e160a401 > @astrojs/solid-js@4.4.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/solid > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@benchmark/timer:build cache miss, executing 8fbb526121d666d5 > @benchmark/timer@0.0.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/benchmark/packages/timer > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/react:build cache miss, executing e04d2cbdc0664d83 > @astrojs/react@3.6.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/react > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/alpinejs:build cache miss, executing a7fddf863f5ab50a > @astrojs/alpinejs@0.4.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/alpinejs > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/vercel:build cache miss, executing d885a3be7842fbad > @astrojs/vercel@7.7.2 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/vercel > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/preact:build cache miss, executing a6531d751e1096eb > @astrojs/preact@3.5.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/preact > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/vue:build cache miss, executing 5ae4796e2344dae1 > @astrojs/vue@4.5.0 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/vue > astro-scripts build "src/index.ts" && astro-scripts build "src/editor.cts" --force-cjs --no-clean-dist && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/sitemap:build cache miss, executing e8c6fe714a7f43f4 > @astrojs/sitemap@3.1.6 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/sitemap > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/db:build cache miss, executing b1fa98442d6f43ce > @astrojs/db@0.11.7 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/db > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc && pnpm types:virtual > @astrojs/db@0.11.7 types:virtual /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/db > tsc -p ./tsconfig.virtual.json ::endgroup:: ::group::@astrojs/web-vitals:build cache miss, executing 046aeb953d322139 > @astrojs/web-vitals@0.2.1 build /home/runner/work/astro/astro/packages/integrations/web-vitals > astro-scripts build "src/**/*.ts" && tsc ::endgroup:: Tasks: 27 successful, 27 total Cached: 6 cached, 27 total Time: 51.34s ```