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There is a bug in the rendering order of Astro components #11475

Open J-env opened 1 month ago

J-env commented 1 month ago

Astro Info

Astro                    v4.11.5
Node                     v18.18.0
System                   macOS (x64)
Package Manager          npm
Output                   static
Adapter                  none
Integrations             astro-icon

If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?


Describe the Bug

When the same component uses Astro.request to record the first rendering state, the first rendering state is not in the frontmost component

import { Icon } from "astro-icon/components";

// Nav.astro
 <Icon name="mdi:account" />

// Footer.astro
 <Icon name="mdi:account" />

Rendering results:


What's the expected result?

The example in the link is just a reproducible situation, it seems like there are other situations where this problem may also occur, perhaps related to slot rendering?

<symbol /> should appear as the first icon on the page, otherwise the first icon will be blank when the page is loaded.

Astro Icon: Automatically optimized sprites


Link to Minimal Reproducible Example



TheElegantCoding commented 1 month ago

maybe this is related i hace a component that simulates a for each and render components it works like this.

type Props<T> =
  each: T | null | false | undefined;

const { each } = Astro.props;

const slots: string[] = [];

  await Promise.all(each.map(async (element: string, index: number) =>
    slots.push(await Astro.slots.render('default', [ element, index ]));
<Fragment set:html={slots} />

this just put all slots or childrens and render the components, but after the new updates, the maps is not in order. this is how you use the component

const data = [ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' ];

<For each={data}>
  {(data: string) => <p>{data}</p>}

the order of how this render change in dev sometimes and when i do the build also change the order one more time

matthewp commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think this is a bug. I'm not sure of anywhere that we say that components render in a top-down order.

J-env commented 3 weeks ago

I don't think this is a bug. I'm not sure of anywhere that we say that components render in a top-down order.

But it affects some issues that are difficult to understand. For example: Astro Icon records the first rendering, <symbol /> should be rendered first.

TheElegantCoding commented 3 weeks ago

@matthewp I think it is, components should render in order, otherwise, this can affect the UI and how it looks