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create-astro: Doesn't handle git commit signing properly #12259

Open mybearworld opened 1 month ago

mybearworld commented 1 month ago

Astro Info

Astro                    v4.16.6
Node                     v22.9.0
System                   Linux (x64)
Package Manager          pnpm
Output                   static
Adapter                  none
Integrations             none

If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?

No response

Describe the Bug

When the initialization sequence gets to "Initializing Git", the signing window appears, but Astro still overlays its text on top of it.

What's the expected result?

Astro stops outputting text until the commit signing has completed.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example



mybearworld commented 1 month ago

(Is this the right place to report create-astro issues? I apologize if it's not.)

apatel369 commented 1 month ago

create-astro is part of this repo so I think this issue is fine here. I am not able to reproduce this. It seems Initializing Git is the last step in the create-astro script steps. What is Astro trying to output while the singing window is visible? Is it possible to share a video of the issue?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hello @mybearworld. Please provide a minimal reproduction using a GitHub repository or StackBlitz. Issues marked with needs repro will be closed if they have no activity within 3 days.

mybearworld commented 1 month ago

What is Astro trying to output while the singing window is visible? Is it possible to share a video of the issue?


Every frame of the progress bar adds a new line of output. In the beginning, the top of the commit signing window is visible, but that quickly goes away as the progress bar lines scroll over it.

mybearworld commented 1 month ago

Hello @mybearworld. Please provide a minimal reproduction using a GitHub repository or StackBlitz. Issues marked with needs repro will be closed if they have no activity within 3 days.

I can't do that, this is about create-astro, not Astro itself.

ematipico commented 1 month ago

I suppose someone needs to set up commit signing on their machine to test this.

F0rce commented 1 month ago

Throwing in my two cents 💭

Just confirming that commit signing works perfectly with create-astro - I use SSH signing with 1Password as my SSH agent.

git log ``` commit 3edf82e2d721d379d2672ebed3c9e6eaa17ba27f (HEAD -> main) Author: houston[bot] Date: Fri Oct 25 22:22:25 2024 +0200 Initial commit from Astro ```

I even went as far to verify the git signature locally:

git log --show-signature ``` commit 3edf82e2d721d379d2672ebed3c9e6eaa17ba27f (HEAD -> main) Good "git" signature for with ED25519 key SHA256:GMTjBSnY08MyIG0ZVBvFvDReFa1EfcYCZjnhWiwGVLE Author: houston[bot] Date: Fri Oct 25 22:22:25 2024 +0200 Initial commit from Astro ```

Can confirm everything is working as expected with no issues. 👍

apatel369 commented 1 month ago

Commit signing also worked perfectly for me that's why I asked to share reproduction video earlier.

mybearworld commented 1 month ago

This probably only happens on specific platforms, then – I'm using WSL. When I used Powershell, the commit signing window appeared in a different window entirely, but now, it appears right inside of the console like this:
