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💡 RFC: Astro Image Assets #492

Closed FredKSchott closed 2 years ago

FredKSchott commented 3 years ago



Pt. 0 - Assets (Terminology)

Q: What is an Asset?
A: A file managed in some part by Astro. Not all files are assets. For example, an image in the public/ directory is not managed by Astro at all and not considered an "asset" in Astro).

Assets are a generalized concept that we want to add more of going forward. Examples in the future would be fonts, images, and icons. Image Assets would be our first implemented asset type.

Pt. 1 - Adding Images

Pt. 2 - Referencing Images

// Anywhere within your source directory:
import logoPic from '../images/logo.png';
import profilePic from './profile.jpg';

Pt. 3 - Using Images

import {Image} from 'astro/components';
import logoPic from '../images/logo.png';
    <!-- fine, but not optimized -->
    <img  src={logoPic} alt="Company logo" />
    <!-- OPTIMIZED ⚡️ -->
    <Image src={logoPic} alt="Company logo" />

Pt. 4 - Using Images in Hydrated Components

import {Image} from 'astro/react'; // React component
import {Image} from 'astro/svelte'; // Svelte component
import {Image} from 'astro/web'; // Web component

Alternative Solutions

astro image add

We'd talked about adding images explicitly via a CLI command, and then referencing them by ID. However, where your images live and how you reference them is more hidden. The proposal gives more visibly (images are obviously visible in src) and builds on an existing import system that people are familiar with (vs. how we would need to reference images by some dynamic runtime string/ID if they lived somewhere within Astro).

Why an Image component?

Note that you can still use <img> if you'd like. This component would just give you a lot of optimization for free, with zero effort from the user.

Seriously, an Image component gives you so much awesome stuff for free: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image.

Why ESM import of images?

By using an ESM import to do this, we get:

Prior Art

jerzakm commented 3 years ago

Do you plan for the <Image/> component to have some sort of support for responsive images?

<img src="img-small.png"
    srcset="img-small.png 320w, img-medium.png 800w, img-large.png 1200w"
FredKSchott commented 3 years ago

Yup, we can implement most (all) of the features outlined here: https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/image-optimization & https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image

Brixy commented 3 years ago

It would be cool if you were able to (optionally) use markdown syntax to call this component.

Hugo has Markdown Render Hooks for this which is a bit complicated or redundant. Simply executing this component to get responsive images with markdown would be a lot easier and future proof.

(Also it would be cool to be able to render assets from the folder your referencing content file lives in, e.g. /src/pages/blog/2021-06-26-my-post/ containing index.astro and assets. But your proposal seems to cover this.)

Keep up your great work!

radiosilence commented 3 years ago

I think it would be cool if we used Snowpack to bundle and reference images, however the way it does seems to break stuff in astro if the dependency is pre-built.

Another thing to consider is how we can or can't reference images in dependencies (inside node_modules).

Currently if a dependency is bundled with snowpack, the image is replaced with a proxy with a hard-coded path (relative) to the library) This could hooked into when detected and the assets hoisted into the dist folder with either the same relative path or one that is namespaced to the library.

Might be worth doing some research into whether dependency assets are supported by other build systems etc.

Also looking at how css is managed, too, where I think the proxy actually contains the CSS and not just a path.

**Edit: However, the css proxy actually references document and breaks the build.

jasikpark commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-img I like the api that 11ty allows for loading images!

jasikpark commented 3 years ago

🤔 I might try using this script for a simple component idea... https://github.com/Holben888/create-react-app-with-11ty-image/blob/main/generate-images.js

leerob commented 3 years ago

👋 Wanted to share a few thoughts from the Vercel/Next.js perspective and how we could collaborate:

FredKSchott commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone! Our current RFC process is beginning to break down at this size, with over 50 open RFCs currently in the "discussing" stage. A growing community is a great problem to have, but our ability to give you RFC feedback has suffered as a result. In an effort to improve our RFC process, we are making some changes to better organize things.

From now on, all RFCs will live in a standalone repo: https://github.com/withastro/rfcs

This allows us to do three things: 1) Use threaded discussions for high-level ideas and improvements, without necessarily requiring an implementation for every idea. 2) Improve the quality of our RFC template and the speed/quality of all feedback. 3) Support inline comments and explicit approvals on RFCs, via a new Pull Request review process.

We hope that this new process leads to better RFC weekly calls and faster feedback on your RFCs from maintainers. More detail can be found in the new RFC repo README.

We can't automatically convert this issue to an RFC in the new repo because new RFC template is more detailed that this one. But, you can still continue this discussion in the new repo by creating a new Discussion in the RFC repo and copy-and-pasting this post (and any relevant follow-up comments) into it. Discussions are available for high-level ideas and suggestions without the requirement of a full implementation proposal.

Then, when you are ready to propose (or re-propose) an implementation for feedback and approval, you can create a new RFC using the new RFC template. More detail about how to do this can be found in the new RFC repo README.

Thanks for your patience as we attempt to improve things for both authors and reviewers. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out on Discord. https://astro.build/chat

RobbieTheWagner commented 2 years ago

Did this end up getting moved to the new repo? I'm trying to figure out the best way to do image optimization in Astro.

FredKSchott commented 2 years ago

It did not! See instructions above if you want to move it there to kick off a new discussion. There is also the dev "images" channel in Discord where we are talking about this and there are a few ways to get this done in Astro already.