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[Build Error] The requested module 'x' does not provide an export named 'default' #8660

Closed raulfdm closed 10 months ago

raulfdm commented 10 months ago

Astro Info

Astro                    v3.1.2
Node                     v18.15.0
System                   macOS (arm64)
Package Manager          pnpm
Output                   static
Adapter                  none
Integrations             none

If this issue only occurs in one browser, which browser is a problem?

Not relevant

Describe the Bug

I'm trying to create an Astro project that uses three.js and its ecosystem, and when I tried to import a lib called lil-gui, while in dev, it works fine, it gets broken running a build:

 error   The requested module 'lil-gui' does not provide an export named 'default'
import GUI from 'lil-gui';
SyntaxError: The requested module 'lil-gui' does not provide an export named 'default'
    at ModuleJob._instantiate (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:124:21)
    at async ModuleJob.run (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:190:5)

I noticed that if I edit the dependency package.json adding a "exports" property, it works fine:

      "import": "./dist/lil-gui.esm.js",
      "require": "./dist/lil-gui.umd.js"

My question here is: is there anything we need to do on Astro's/Vite's config to fix that?

What's the expected result?

To build without error.

Link to Minimal Reproducible Example



raulfdm commented 10 months ago


bluwy commented 10 months ago

Sorry you're hitting this. Unfortunately it's a Vite bug, see https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/10712 and https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/14332 (and probably more). I'm planning to fix this in Vite 5, but for now there's not much Astro can do.

As a workaround, you can import it like this:

import * as _GUI from 'lil-gui'
const GUI = GUI.default
// or (not sure if the above is enough)
const GUI = GUI.default || GUI
raulfdm commented 10 months ago

Oh.. nice @bluwy ... thanks getting me back and for the workaround 🙏

raulfdm commented 10 months ago

For further reference:

I noticed that in one if the open issues, a guy posted this: https://vite-plugin-ssr.com/broken-npm-package

I tried the following vite-config:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";

// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
  vite: {
    ssr: {
      // Add npm packages containing invalid code here
      noExternal: ["lil-gui"],

and the build succeeded:

CleanShot 2023-09-26 at 10 44 05

Also running a live server on dist, it worked fine.

kitschpatrol commented 2 months ago

Thanks for this tip. For some reason I just ran into this error in for the first time after upgrading from Astro 4.6.3 → 4.8.3.

It's happening in production builds only, with complaints about a missing a default export on nanoid, which I'm only importing in Svelte components.

Here's the stack trace from the failed build:

15:48:11 [vite] ✓ built in 2.31s

 generating static routes 
2024-05-13T19:48:11.245Z astro:telemetry {
  context: {
    isGit: true,
    anonymousProjectId: '75d034b7c4fdc0dd0c1a22fcc8e69f50a50246f53fd192f5439f041340098812',
    packageManager: 'pnpm',
    packageManagerVersion: '9.1.1',
    anonymousId: 'a027c6f6f986bd6de11997d886abe7d1516be0d79855f6aa6df802f6fe46a496',
    anonymousSessionId: 'aaa25d967446653ca4eeab4994b492146a9b3d0c60d9dc0c777008fb12890b2d'
  meta: {
    nodeVersion: '20.13.1',
    viteVersion: '5.2.11',
    astroVersion: '4.8.3',
    systemPlatform: 'darwin',
    systemRelease: '23.4.0',
    systemArchitecture: 'arm64',
    cpuCount: 14,
    cpuModel: 'Apple M3 Max',
    cpuSpeed: 2400,
    memoryInMb: 36864,
    isDocker: false,
    isTTY: undefined,
    isWSL: false,
    isCI: false,
    ciName: null
2024-05-13T19:48:11.245Z astro:telemetry [
    "eventName": "ASTRO_CLI_ERROR",
    "payload": {
      "name": "SyntaxError",
      "cliCommand": "build",
      "isFatal": true,
      "anonymousMessageHint": "The requested module"
The requested module 'nanoid/non-secure' does not provide an export named 'default'
  Stack trace:
    at ModuleJob._instantiate (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:134:21)
    at async ModuleLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:316:24)
    at async generatePages (file:///Users/mika/Code/svelte-tweakpane-ui/node_modules/.pnpm/astro@4.8.3_@types+node@20.12.11_lightningcss@1.24.1_terser@5.31.0_typescript@5.5.0-beta/node_modules/astro/dist/core/build/generate.js:120:7)
    at async AstroBuilder.build (file:///Users/mika/Code/svelte-tweakpane-ui/node_modules/.pnpm/astro@4.8.3_@types+node@20.12.11_lightningcss@1.24.1_terser@5.31.0_typescript@5.5.0-beta/node_modules/astro/dist/core/build/index.js:133:5)
    at async build (file:///Users/mika/Code/svelte-tweakpane-ui/node_modules/.pnpm/astro@4.8.3_@types+node@20.12.11_lightningcss@1.24.1_terser@5.31.0_typescript@5.5.0-beta/node_modules/astro/dist/core/build/index.js:45:3)
    at async runCommand (file:///Users/mika/Code/svelte-tweakpane-ui/node_modules/.pnpm/astro@4.8.3_@types+node@20.12.11_lightningcss@1.24.1_terser@5.31.0_typescript@5.5.0-beta/node_modules/astro/dist/cli/index.js:140:7)
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

Adding the following to my Astro config fixed it:

vite: {
  ssr: {
    noExternal: ['nanoid']