withastro / language-tools

Language tools for Astro
MIT License
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🐛 BUG: Go to problems after version 2.9.0 #876

Open zanhk opened 1 month ago

zanhk commented 1 month ago

Describe the Bug

System: windows vscode: 1.89.1 (latest)

Some version of the extension have problems with the go to

Extension version recap: 2.8.6: Go to works correctly 2.9.0 to 2.9.1: Go to does nothing 2.10.0 to 2.10.2: Go to open a non-existing file .0.mts

my vscode settings

    "css.customData": [".vscode/tailwind.json"],
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    "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off",
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    "editor.wordSeparators": "`~!@%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?",
    "editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
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    "editor.inlayHints.enabled": "offUnlessPressed",
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    "editor.cursorBlinking": "solid",
    "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions": "goto",
    "editor.gotoLocation.multipleTypeDefinitions": "goto",
    "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDeclarations": "goto",
    "editor.gotoLocation.multipleImplementations": "goto",
    "editor.gotoLocation.multipleReferences": "goto",
    "terminal.integrated.copyOnSelection": true,
    "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Command Prompt",
    "terminal.integrated.enableMultiLinePasteWarning": "never",
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    "tailwindCSS.classAttributes": ["class", "className", "ngClass", "class:list"],
    "cSpell.language": "en,it",
    "cSpell.diagnosticLevel": "Information",
    "[astro]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "astro-build.astro-vscode"

Steps to Reproduce

tested in a empty project adding

    var a = 1;
johnsoncodehk commented 1 month ago

tested in a empty project adding

  var a = 1;

Hi @zanhk, could you provide the complete code for this section?

zanhk commented 1 month ago

@johnsoncodehk I ll upload the entire repo, but it's just the default astro minimal template with that script, the script it's irrelevant, the problem happen doing goto in any script variable

zanhk commented 1 month ago

@johnsoncodehk Here a video where I reproduce the problem


and a repo if you need, but as said it happen with every script


johnsoncodehk commented 1 month ago

This issue may have been fixed at https://github.com/volarjs/services/commit/873bba318ba07df75a27291e98a4c2150216beed.

This is the install package for #879, could you check if the problem still exists?


zanhk commented 1 month ago

Hi @johnsoncodehk, yes with that package the problem still persist

zanhk commented 1 month ago

I also have a different problem, when i work on react projects I need to disable this extension because somehow it override the behaviours of "ctrl + click"

In my preferences I setted "Go to source definition" as preferred


WIth the extension installed it does a "Go to definition" instead.


Shouldn't this be active only on astro file?