withastro / roadmap

Ideas, suggestions, and formal RFC proposals for the Astro project.
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Deprecate the `<Markdown>` Component #184

Closed FredKSchott closed 2 years ago

FredKSchott commented 2 years ago


Hey everyone! We (the core maintainers, @withastro/maintainers-core) have been discussing the <Markdown /> component a lot over the last few days, and have made the decision to deprecate the <Markdown /> component ahead of our v1.0 release. It will continue to be available as a non-core, user-land npm package (@astrojs/markdown) post v1.0.

This is a bit of an odd RFC in that it's driven by a need to fix a buggy experience, and not talking through the best way to add something new. We've been discussing this on the core team on-off for a few weeks now, and have already reached informal consensus within the group, but I would still like to share this with our larger maintainer community for feedback during the next RFC call.

For more details and why we see it as necessary, read on.



delucis commented 2 years ago

Couldn’t make it to the RFC call, but this all makes sense and the RFC reads well 👍

brycewray commented 2 years ago

~I’ll humbly offer a “peanut gallery”-level comment because the Full Rendered Proposal explains all this superbly well: I hope that “userland plugin” will be available before <Markdown /> ceases to work — and I do see that this is the intent — because I can’t find a working or compatible plugin, whether Remark or Rehype, that substitutes for how I’ve been using <Markdown />. My use case is small, but it’s there. :) Thanks in advance for whatever consideration this receives!~

Disregard. I will try a combination of options 1 and 2 under “Drawbacks & alternatives.” Workable enough.