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Markdoc support #508

Closed bholmesdev closed 1 year ago

bholmesdev commented 1 year ago

This RFC introduces Markdoc support to Astro Content Collections. Resolves #496


bholmesdev commented 1 year ago

Alright, excited to share our findings from the performance benchmark!

Performance Benchmark

As part of the @astrojs/markdoc integration, we built a performance benchmark to compare Markdoc build performance at scale against our existing content formats, Markdown and MDX.


This suite generates content collection entries across 3 separate test fixtures (one for each file type). This will be repeated across 3 different test templates at both 1000 and 3000 generated posts:

Each fixture is built using the astro build command. We have also included an environment flag to disable nonessential remark plugins for Markdown and MDX, including GFM, Smartypants, heading ID generation, and Shiki syntax highlighting. Since our Markdoc integration does not (yet) include these features, this should ensure an even playing field for base render performance.


Below are the overall build times for each file type across each test template, with times averaged across 3 separate test runs:

1000 generated posts

Simple With Astro components With React components
md 17.52s N/A N/A
mdx 18.17s 18.27s 18.73s
mdoc 11.03s 7.89s 6.99s

3000 generated posts

Simple With Astro components With React components
md 55.31s N/A N/A
mdx 48.47s 133.24s ⚠️ CPU ceiling 133.96s ⚠️ CPU ceiling
mdoc 30.66s 23.27s 24.56s

⚠️ CPU ceiling - CPU usage hit 100%, throttling builds


There are several promising findings from this test. First, Markdoc was noticeably faster than Markdown and MDX across all test cases. This could partially be due to the speed of Markdoc's bespoke transform pipeline compared to remark and rehype. There is also a difference in rendering strategies. While MDX compiles to JSX directly, requiring a pass through Astro's JSX runtime to render as JavaScript, Markdoc compiles to a serializable JSON tree we can render directly at template build or SSR runtime. This process proves to be less CPU intensive, with MDX hitting a CPU ceiling at 3000 posts on our test machine.

Aside: This also means the @markdoc/markdoc package will be shipped to your SSR runtime, which can prohibitively large (40kb compressed) for edge compute.

Second, we noticed that Markdoc is slowest during the simple test case, while Markdown and MDX see a performance hit when rendering components. This means, unlike Markdown and MDX, Markdoc is slowed less by complexity of elements and more by the volume of HTML elements rendered (Lorem Ipsum paragraphs rendered in the simple case). It's worth analyzing whether our own render stage or Markdoc's transform stage is to blame here.

Future exploration

There are several areas we'd like to explore to further compare Markdoc against our existing MDX + remark pipeline:

ancaemcken commented 1 year ago

@bholmesdev @flexdinesh @FredKSchott I want to point out that, in keeping .mdoc, Astro is locking out Markdoc users from pretty much any git-based Markdown CMS - for example FrontMatter - haven't tested Tina or Netlify CMS yet, and even some popular Markdown editors (Obsidian, Typora, etc.).

Sure, a writer could fiddle with default applications for opening a given file type, but even so, .mdoc files might be treated as second-class citizens. Such an example is Obsidian, where you can add .mdoc to the list of supported files with a plugin. Still, the support is limited to opening and editing the file, missing out on all other features for which an author chooses Obsidian - because of .mdoc.

Also, not everyone writing Markdoc is a developer or fond of using VS Code - so far, the only tool working with .mdoc without any fuss.

LATER EDIT: See https://github.com/withastro/astro/pull/6847. All tests are passing.

I made it so .mdoc.md files would be ignored by the normal Markdown processing, but handled by the Markdoc integration. This is helpful to solve editor issues, while still allowing users to distinguish Markdoc from Markdown files.

If you try the markdoc example, you can see a "plain" markdown example at http://localhost:3000/plain, whereas the index page shows the Markdoc file (now renamed to intro.mdoc.md).

matthewp commented 1 year ago

Closing as Markdoc support is now stable in Astro. We are going to create a new RFC when/if Markdoc comes into core, but it can continue to evolve as an integration for now.