withfig / fig

Public issue tracker for Fig.
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Unix socket does not exist #1232

Open mvolkmann opened 2 years ago

mvolkmann commented 2 years ago


Please include a detailed description of the issue (and an image or screen recording, if applicable)

I can't get any completions to work, including typing "cd" followed by a space in zsh. "fig doctor" is not happy with my setup. See this screenshot.

Screen Shot 2022-03-31 at 9 19 49 AM


macOS Fig Shell
12.3.0 Version 1.0.56 (B416) /bin/zsh
fig diagnostic

Version 1.0.56 (B416) [U.S.] 
UserShell: /bin/zsh
Bundle path: /Applications/Fig.app
Autocomplete: true
Settings.json: true
CLI installed: true
CLI tool path: /Users/volkmannm/.fig/bin/fig
Accessibility: true
SSH Integration: false
Tmux Integration: false
iTerm Integration: true [Authenticated]
Hyper Integration: false
VSCode Integration: true
Docker Integration: false
Symlinked dotfiles: true
Only insert on tab: false
UNIX Socket Exists: false
Installation Script: true
PseudoTerminal Path: /Users/volkmannm/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/share/dotnet:~/.dotnet/tools:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.cargo/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.local/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.fig/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.local/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.local/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.local/bin:/Users/volkmannm/.cargo/bin
SecureKeyboardInput: false
Current active process: ??? (???) - ???
Current terminal session: ???
Current working directory: ???
Current window identifier: ???

mvolkmann commented 2 years ago

A minor note ... "receiving" is misspelled in the screenshot.

intersides commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue. Fig worked fine. I have start getting this after I added a new user to my system and then used Fig as well in the other account. In the other account I have no issues. Could this be related to user access being overwritten ?