withfig / fig

Public issue tracker for Fig.
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Support for Linux on ChromeOS (Crostini) #2133

Open insysion opened 1 year ago

insysion commented 1 year ago

On Crostini, the existing Linux instructions seem to install fig correctly however the rendering is broken: the window refreshes only on a resize and even then very slowly.

Happy to help debug further if anyone has any requests.

EDIT: I'm not sure whether this counts as a terminal or a DE (probably both). xprop doesn't work on Crostini but here's the other output requested:

$ fig _ should-figterm-launch
❌ /opt/google/cros-containers/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (2759) <- ✅ /usr/bin/zsh (2763)
$ fig doctor --verbose
Let's check if you're logged in...
✔ Logged into Fig

Let's check your dotfiles...
✔ ~/.bashrc contains valid fig hooks
✔ ~/.profile contains valid fig hooks
✔ ~/.zshrc contains valid fig hooks
✔ ~/.zprofile contains valid fig hooks

Let's make sure Fig is setup correctly...
✔ Fig bin exists
✔ PATH contains ~/.local/bin
✔ Settings Corruption
✔ State Corruption
✘ Fig Integration: Figterm is not running in this terminal, please try restarting your terminal

Let's make sure Fig is running...
✔ Daemon
✔ Daemon diagnostics

Let's see if Fig is in a working state...

   1: environment variable not found


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
✔ Insertion lock does not exist
✔ Autocomplete dev mode
✔ Plugin dev mode
✔ Dashboard is loading from the correct URL
✔ Autocomplete is loading from the correct URL

Let's check if your system is compatible...
● Fig's support for Linux 5.10.142-19743-gd301e86c39f7 - "Debian GNU/Linux" is in development. It may not work properly on your system.

✔ Fish is up to date

Let's check fig diagnostic...
✘ Autocomplete is active: Autocomplete is currently inactive. Your desktop integration(s) may be broken!

Let's check your terminal integrations...
● Unsupported terminal, if you believe this is a mistake or would like to see support for your terminal, run `fig issue`

Let's check Linux integrations
✘ IBus Env Check: IBus environment variable is not set
  Please restart your DE/WM session, for more details see https://fig.io/user-manual/other/linux
  GTK_IM_MODULE is not set, expected 'ibus'
✘ IBus Check: ibus-daemon is not running
✔ Fig is not running in a sandbox
grant0417 commented 1 year ago

Can you give the output of fig diagnostics