withfig / fig

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Fig not working in Intellij IDEA terminal #2674

Open MetoTianyi opened 1 year ago

MetoTianyi commented 1 year ago


Operating system

macOS 13.5.0 (22G74)

Expected behaviour

it operates as smoothly as normal.

Actual behaviour

Within the terminal in Intellij IDEA, it doesn't autocomplete.

Steps to reproduce

For command, fig doctor --verbose, it shows: Let's check if you're logged in... ✔ Logged into Fig

Let's check your dotfiles... ✔ bash ~/.bashrc integration check ✔ bash ~/.bash_profile integration check ✔ zsh ~/.zshrc integration check ✔ zsh ~/.zprofile integration check

Let's make sure Fig is setup correctly... ✔ Fig bin exists ✔ PATH contains ~/.local/bin ✔ PATH contains ~/.fig/bin ✔ Settings Corruption ✔ State Corruption ✔ Fig Integration ✔ SSH integration

Let's make sure Fig is running... ✔ Fig is running ✔ Fig socket exists ✔ Daemon ✔ Daemon diagnostics

Let's see if Fig is in a working state... ✘ Figterm: Figterm socket write timed out after 1s ✔ Insertion lock does not exist ✔ Autocomplete dev mode ✔ Plugin dev mode ✔ Dashboard is loading from the correct URL ✔ Autocomplete is loading from the correct URL

Let's check if your system is compatible... ✔ OS is supported ✔ Fish is up to date ✔ Jetbrains Toolbox Check

Let's check fig diagnostic... ✔ Compatible shell ✔ Fig app installed in the right place ✔ Autocomplete is enabled ✔ Fig CLI path ✔ Accessibility enabled

Let's check your terminal integrations... ✔ Terminal support


  - 2.16.0
  - model: 
  - model-id: 
  - chip-id: Apple M1 Pro
  - cores: 10
  - mem: 16.00 GB
  - macOS 13.5.0 (22G74)
  - shell: /bin/zsh
  - terminal: iterm
  - cwd: /Users/tianyi.zhu/zeiss/ecom.api.do-iqs-software-store.customer
  - exe-path: /opt/homebrew/bin/fig
  - install-method: brew
  - env-vars:
    - PATH: /opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/local/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/appleinternal/bin:/Users/tianyi.zhu/.sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/Users/tianyi.zhu/Library/pnpm:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/Users/tianyi.zhu/.fig/bin:/Users/tianyi.zhu/.local/bin
    - FIG_PID: 12811
    - FIGTERM_SESSION_ID: 65427198-0f9a-4608-bfef-901476066cd8
    - SHELL: /bin/zsh
    - FIG_TERM: 2.16.0
    - TERM: xterm-256color
    - __CFBundleIdentifier: com.jetbrains.intellij
    - FIG_SET_PARENT: 65427198-0f9a-4608-bfef-901476066cd8
mohamed-abdelsamei commented 1 year ago

I've the same issue