withfig / fig

Public issue tracker for Fig.
MIT License
2.06k stars 62 forks source link

Signups are currently disabled #2699

Open MoonJor opened 1 year ago

MoonJor commented 1 year ago


Operating system

macOS 13.5.0 (22G74)

Expected behaviour

To install fig

Actual behaviour

I tried the app it self and got this message:

image image

Ran fig doctor to try and find a fix, but found no luck.

Steps to reproduce

No response


  - 2.16.0
  - model: 
  - model-id: 
  - chip-id: Apple M2
  - cores: 8
  - mem: 8.00 GB
  - macOS 13.5.0 (22G74)
  - shell: /bin/zsh
  - terminal: iterm
  - cwd: /Users/moon
  - exe-path: /opt/homebrew/bin/fig
  - install-method: brew
  - env-vars:
    - SHELL: /bin/zsh
    - __CFBundleIdentifier: com.googlecode.iterm2
    - PATH: /opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/homebrew/bin/python3:/Applications/Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/local/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/appleinternal/bin:/Users/moon/.fzf/bin
    - TERM: xterm-256color
bo3bdo commented 11 months ago

Go warp its good app

hazzlim commented 11 months ago

(Just want to be notified when this resolves…)

youngsun4786 commented 11 months ago

Go warp its good app

doesn't warp need internet access?

emmapatterson commented 11 months ago


N0rooo commented 11 months ago

still pending

zQuasar commented 11 months ago

This is truly the stupidest development decision i've ever seen, you're going to push away the only willing customer base that is currently okay with using a 'login' method for a localized shell, disabling sign-ups and only notifying users AFTER requesting for an email or GitHub auth is extremely bad user design, a dark pattern & manipulative from the team. It's obvious you're only doing this to garner a larger emailing list.

This is despicable and can seriously get your organization into trouble if you're offering this to users in California. Some serious rethinking of your initial login requirement should be made, let alone the dark pattern.

PengFoo commented 11 months ago

It's been several months. Any updates?

rodrigoborge commented 11 months ago

nothing yet...

mvaljento commented 11 months ago

What nonsense is this? It let's me go through with authentication and authorization with Github and THEN tells me signups are disabled. I guess I won't be installing Fig then.

loganwoolf commented 11 months ago

Should have a note on the homepage that signups are disabled.

baltermia commented 11 months ago

why would they do this? I don't get it.

eXist-FraGGer commented 11 months ago


  1. Check this: https://github.com/phmullins/awesome-macos-commandline
longxk commented 10 months ago


baltermia commented 10 months ago

anyone wanna give me their fig account?

nah nevermind, fuck this project

paulwongx commented 10 months ago

How are you supposed to uninstall the background running processes that fig installs on your computer?

chkhu commented 10 months ago

Still no luck this day. Is there any news on when signup reopens?

utkarsh-fincent commented 10 months ago

still waiting...

HaXAlvin commented 10 months ago

How are you supposed to uninstall the background running processes that fig installs on your computer?

I've been struggling with this issue for a while too, but I eventually found a simple solution.

brew install fig
fig uninstall
brew uninstall fig
nategoethel commented 10 months ago


adoolaard commented 10 months ago

This issue is already two months old. Does anyone know the status of this "fig joining aws" and when signups will be available again? I tried reaching out to Fig, but haven't received a response yet.

martinmorenoc commented 10 months ago


Hakeemmidan commented 10 months ago

I just tried logging in through email rather than GitHub OAuth, and it worked

Edit: It looks like it created a new account, although I'm using the same email as the one I was using with GitHub. Nevertheless, it works.

sarthikg commented 10 months ago

Just tried logging in using email/password rather than Github.

It ended up saying,

"Something went wrong" "Signups are currently disabled"

I think in your case you might already have an account with the same email somehow, and hence it wasn't captured as a new signup.

Hakeemmidan commented 10 months ago

@sarthikg Yes, it's possibly because I had a previous account.

I tried logging in through their website and Mac app. Allows me to do so in both cases, but also creates an account every time.

aslamanver commented 10 months ago

fig logout

kaonmir commented 10 months ago

Still same issue.... since about three months ago

nakajimayoshi commented 10 months ago
  1. Lack of communication from core team.
  2. Jumping through multiple hoops before getting to some primitive string saying why the product isn't working despite claiming "it just works"
  3. "Open source" product with no clear business model.
  4. Action which requires 0 internet connection or talking to a server somehow requires you connect your GitHub account and register with Fig.

Guys, you can add all the fancy CSS you want to your web page, but the signs are there that something is awry.

Anyone want to collaborate to make a better open source alternative? Preferably in Rust?

Edit: Great alternative built with svelte + rust:


baltermia commented 10 months ago

@nakajimayoshi I'm down if it were in c++, I dont have any rust experience tho

CarlosFerLo commented 10 months ago

@nakajimayoshi I am open to collaborate in any new open source alternatives. Not an experienced rust developer but contact me if need any help

nyxb commented 10 months ago

3 Month later still exist? O.o

umarsaeedcheema commented 10 months ago

any update ?

melakhvision commented 10 months ago

Why asking github account access when sign up is disabled. Crappy


fig uninstall
sudo apt-get purge fig
amalic commented 10 months ago

Do you have a timeline?

laraib-sidd commented 10 months ago

brew uninstall -f --zap fig Did my part

umarsaeedcheema commented 10 months ago

To install fig, do not download its .dmg but install it using : brew install --cask fig

Delete fig if you have installed it previously.

Run fig doctor

If its working run this command : fig integrations install dotfiles

You will most likely get this error : SSH integration: /Users/umar/.fig/ssh does not exist.

To solve this run : mkdir -p ~/.ssh && fig integrations install ssh ref : https://github.com/withfig/fig/issues/2163

After this you might see this: ✘ Accessibility enabled: Accessibility is disabled

Follow this : https://github.com/withfig/fig/issues/2035#issuecomment-1313212883

Hope it helps

sarthikg commented 10 months ago

@umarsaeedcheema This helped make fig work in the cli. For some reason, the app still says Something went wrong :( & Signups are currently disabled.

Is it somehow possible to even get the app working?

m-hammad01 commented 10 months ago

@umarsaeedcheema thanks it worked

PranjalAgni commented 9 months ago

Came here from Warp, again going back to it looks like it will take 3 more months xd 😆

lemonadebrew commented 9 months ago

disappointing project

mvaljento commented 9 months ago

AWS acquired the project so most likely AWS will release in another form. Therefore the current project will no longer be maintained.

adoolaard commented 9 months ago

@PranjalAgni Same here, I found fig because I was looking for an alternative to warp. I even tried reaching out to the fig team, but they don't have an ETA. So for now, I went back to using warp.

adoolaard commented 9 months ago

@sarthikg I hope so, the "Scripts" and "Servers" functions look really awesome. It's a shame that the sign-ups have been disabled for the past 3 months...

xiaotianxt commented 9 months ago

@sarthikg I hope so, the "Scripts" and "Servers" functions look really awesome. It's a shame that the sign-ups have been disabled for the past 3 months...

I tried Warp and found that the autocomplete function is not very effective. I wanted to try fig, but I couldn't register. 🥲

Metis77 commented 9 months ago

have a new Computer and am no longer able to use / signup. Is that by intent? Or is there any war to signup and sync my settings?

0xMohamed commented 9 months ago

it's working finally

memishood commented 9 months ago

@0xMohamed for me it doesn't still work

myhongkongzhen commented 9 months ago

I still could not log in via Git Hub, but after restarting the item terminal, it can work now. the command can be shown on

0xMohamed commented 9 months ago

@0xMohamed for me it doesn't still work

because fig is converted to codewhisperer

yeongsheng-tan commented 9 months ago

trying brew install --cask codewhisperer now...

yeongsheng-tan commented 9 months ago

trying brew install --cask codewhisperer now...

@avarayr fig is now codewhisperer by AWS