withfig / fig

Public issue tracker for Fig.
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Something went worng on UI #2902

Closed alonronin closed 4 months ago

alonronin commented 5 months ago


Operating system

macOS 14.2.1 (23C71)

Expected behaviour

ui to wok

Actual behaviour


Steps to reproduce

brew install fig opening fig login error on UI

result of fig doctor:

Let's check if you're logged in...
✔ Logged into Fig

Let's check your dotfiles...
✔ bash ~/.bashrc integration check
✔ bash ~/.profile integration check
✔ zsh ~/.zshrc integration check
✔ zsh ~/.zprofile integration check

Let's make sure Fig is setup correctly...
✔ Fig bin exists
✔ PATH contains ~/.local/bin
✔ PATH contains ~/.fig/bin
✔ Settings Corruption
✔ State Corruption
✔ Fig Integration
✔ SSH integration

Let's make sure Fig is running...
✔ Fig is running
✔ Fig socket exists
✔ Daemon
✔ Daemon diagnostics

Let's see if Fig is in a working state...
✔ Figterm
✔ Insertion lock does not exist
✔ Autocomplete dev mode
✔ Plugin dev mode
✔ Dashboard is loading from the correct URL
✔ Autocomplete is loading from the correct URL

Let's check if your system is compatible...
✔ OS is supported
✔ Fish is up to date
✔ Jetbrains Toolbox Check

Let's check fig diagnostic...
✔ Compatible shell
✔ Fig app installed in the right place
✔ Autocomplete is enabled
✔ Fig CLI path
✔ Accessibility enabled

Let's check your terminal integrations...
✔ Terminal support

  Fig still not working? Run fig issue to let us know!
  Or, email us at hello@fig.io!


  - 2.17.1
  - model: 
  - model-id: 
  - chip-id: Apple M1
  - cores: 8
  - mem: 16.00 GB
  - macOS 14.2.1 (23C71)
  - shell: /bin/zsh
  - terminal: terminal
  - cwd: /Users/alontikal
  - exe-path: /opt/homebrew/bin/fig
  - install-method: brew
  - env-vars:
    - FIGTERM_SESSION_ID: ab348d39-d21f-454b-837c-eef1ce64b056
    - FIG_TERM: 2.17.1
    - PATH: /Users/alontikal/.bun/bin:/opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk@17/bin:/opt/homebrew/share/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/local/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/appleinternal/bin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:/Users/alontikal/.fig/bin:/Users/alontikal/.local/bin:/Users/alontikal/.orbstack/bin
    - SHELL: /bin/zsh
    - TERM: xterm-256color
    - __CFBundleIdentifier: com.apple.Terminal
    - FIG_PID: 55140
    - FIG_SET_PARENT: ab348d39-d21f-454b-837c-eef1ce64b056
Grandachn commented 5 months ago

I have the same error

lawandothman commented 5 months ago

same here 😢

chrisponton commented 5 months ago

Same here, shouldn't have updated 😢

FoieringSerjo commented 5 months ago

Same here; any suggestions for a workaround?

naveenreddevils commented 5 months ago

https://github.com/withfig/fig/issues/2885#issuecomment-1915357652 -- there is a quick fix suggested here. Following those steps worked for me.

bastien-pruvost commented 5 months ago

Same error, the quick fix don't work. There is nothing to do, so I uninstall Fig 😢

xvalentino commented 4 months ago

Same. Fig doctor says everything is fine, the autocomplete runs, but fig ai doesn't work, and I'm unable to edit my settings in fig

xoxojw commented 4 months ago

Same here. I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled and even re-logged in by executing fig logout & fig quit & fig and still get the error. I ran the fig doctor and everything is ok. 🥲

But, I can still use autocomplete in terminal. Just the dashboard is white screen.

akella64 commented 4 months ago
grant0417 commented 4 months ago

Sorry about this issue, a fix has been deployed. Open the dashboard and hit ⌘+r and the new version should load which will resolve the issue.

kachkaev commented 4 months ago

Thank you @grant0417! I pressed CMD+R in the dashboard and it worked again! 🎉

alonronin commented 4 months ago

what's finally fix the problem is:

fig install --input-method

restart my mac and work like a charm.

see more here:
