withrobot / oCam

oCam - USB 3.0 Board Camera
GNU General Public License v3.0
54 stars 61 forks source link

Do we have access to the oCam-1CGN-U sensor's registers? #14

Open fbolanos opened 6 years ago

fbolanos commented 6 years ago

I'd like to implement frame capture via the trigger pin provided on the oCam-1CGN-U.

It appears that all that is needed is write access to the registers of the sensor. Does your API implement such functionality? If not, could it be possible to implement? It would be so useful!

Have a look at how the Arducam is doing it, since they have a shield with the same sensor (AR0134) https://github.com/ArduCAM/ArduCAM_USB_Camera_Shield/issues/15 It appears to show that if I can setup the camera with specific values on its registers it will begin capturing depending on the state of the trigger pin.

I purchased the oCam instead as it allows data transfer through USB3, Arducam only has USB2.0

Moinelly commented 6 years ago

@fbolanos Hey, have you found a solution to put th oCAM-1CGN-U in Trigger Mode?

fbolanos commented 6 years ago

@Moinelly sadly no... :cry: We have no access to the registers with their API so we can't put the camera in Trigger Mode.

I was even considering writing my own driver for the sensor, since they are using the CYPRESS FX3 USB controller to interface with the AR0134 sensor. I found this example that implements the UVC protocol for a different sensor: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/application-notes/an75779-how-implement-image-sensor-interface-using-ez-usb-fx3-usb

Sadly... that idea did not pan out because I don't have access to the wiring diagrams of the oCam...

So... seems not possible at the moment, unless they do it for us in their own driver!