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LVGL Example for ESP-IDF 5.1.1 #31

Closed nfoliveira-foli closed 8 months ago

nfoliveira-foli commented 9 months ago

LVGL Example for ESP-IDF 5.1.1

witnessmenow commented 8 months ago

Hi @nfoliveira-foli ,

Thanks for submitting the PR, much appreciated. But looking through it, there is too many files for what will probably end up being a relatively niche section. I just don't think it makes sense for everyone who is pulling this repo to be pulling down an additional 600 files for an IDF example.

Would you have any interest in creating a "CYD IDF Examples" repo that we could link to from here?

robertlipe commented 8 months ago

Consider adding LVGL as a submodule instead of copying a zillion files. My git-fu is too weak to guide you with a PR, but embedded projects often use this to "include" an external repo with one line that says "drop a copy of picolibc@....${HASH} here" and git knows to examine that module line and expand it in place. Sort of #include other repo.

Perhaps this is inspirational: https://docs.lvgl.io/latest/en/html/get-started/espressif.html - There's some additional git voodoo (like that's not redundant) somewhere to nail it to a specific release version that's known to work in case HEAD is too scary.

If you're using platformio, you can drop one line in in lib_deps. https://registry.platformio.org/libraries/lvgl/lvgl/installation The downside of this, from what I can tell, is that if you build the tree six different ways, it stupidly checks out six different copies into .pio/.

Dig your work, Brian. Thanx for being awesome!

nfoliveira-foli commented 8 months ago

Hey Guys

Sorry for long delay.... so it was the first time that I did this web example of LVGL works on ESP-IDF version 5.1.1, but yeah it's horrible and using the version LVGL 7.and I needed to change a couple of file references, so wasn't impossible to use the current lib. Now I 've finally could make a new example with version LVGL 8.3.10 and TTFT_eSPI work fine in CYD but using arduino IDE. I really need to pass it to ESP-IDF without all these files, but I need some free time.

Thank so much

Best regards