witnessmenow / ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display

Building a community around a cheap ESP32 Display with a touch screen
MIT License
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Add List of GPIO pins to Readme #38

Closed daxliniere closed 8 months ago

daxliniere commented 8 months ago

Hey there, I discovered this great project via Hackaday. I was curious which GPIO pins were available, but couldn't find that list anywhere on this repo. Could you add it to the documentation, please? Cheers! Dax

witnessmenow commented 8 months ago

Hi Dax

This is one where I've actually done the work already but I just haven't actually linked it I think!


daxliniere commented 8 months ago

Thanks Brian! That's perfect. Maybe a link to that doc could go on the main page?

witnessmenow commented 8 months ago

Added to the readme in 8dec5274682149556660df7ccffd629c0dec6dce
