witnessmenow / ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display

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Streamline SPI pin handling #58

Closed TheNitek closed 7 months ago

TheNitek commented 8 months ago

SD card pin are actually the VSPI default pin, so no need to define them (the are defined as SCK, MOSI, MOSI, SS defines in SPI.h)

left the defines commented out, so this example can still be used to look up the pins.

witnessmenow commented 7 months ago

Does this require the user_config.h update to HSPI?

TheNitek commented 7 months ago

No it does not - It replaces the definition of 4 PINs with the definition of 1 bus. (Actually the old code was wrong, but replaced the PINs with the correct ones before anything happend 😄 )