witnessmenow / ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display

Building a community around a cheap ESP32 Display with a touch screen
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Unable to get the touchscreen to work #92

Closed alanesq closed 2 months ago

alanesq commented 7 months ago

In case anyone else has this issue, I was unable to get any response from the touchscreen I am using Arduino IDE v2.2.1 on Linux

In the end I found that if I replace the line: SPIClass mySpi = SPIClass(VSPI); with: SPIClass mySpi = SPIClass(HSPI);

It resolved the issue :-)

peteDDD commented 7 months ago

Well isn't that interesting. I found just the opposite as I was trying to get the lgvl examples and demos running... The touch test uses SPIClass(VSPI). But the lgvl examples use SPIClass(HSPI). Until I changed that to SPIClass(VSPI), I got no touch response in the lgvl examples.