witnessmenow / ESP32-Trinity

An Open Source ESP32 board for connecting to HUB75 Matrix Panels
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Power Output #26

Closed laserir closed 10 months ago

laserir commented 10 months ago

Hi, I power the board with 5V 3A over USB. The output voltage (that is supposed to power the display) only reaches 1,6V. Am I missing something?

witnessmenow commented 10 months ago

Have you enabled the jumper for USB power?

"Powering the matrix panel using USB-C" section of this page


laserir commented 10 months ago

Yes, I have.

witnessmenow commented 10 months ago

What type of display are you trying to power or how many displays? What voltage do you see when there is no displays attached?

laserir commented 10 months ago

Believe it or not... faulty USB cable... so stupid, sorry to bother :D

witnessmenow commented 10 months ago

No worries, glad it's working!