witnessmenow / Universal-Arduino-Telegram-Bot

Use Telegram on your Arduino (ESP8266 or Wifi-101 boards)
MIT License
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Modulo GPRS and telegram #238

Open raleortiz opened 3 years ago

raleortiz commented 3 years ago

I want to be able to send messages through a GPRS module, since instead there is no wifi, I saw a comment that the SIM800L module can no longer be used, that the GPRS module would be the one that allows me to do the project. Can't use WIFI.

SMauser commented 3 years ago

I´m also very interested in any solution. Have the same question/problem :(

d0ct0rd-dalimo commented 3 years ago

Hello! I'm using UniversalTelegramBot in pair with ArduinoBearSSL to communicate with api.telegram.org via GSM modem. In bot debug, I see incomplete input in response:

Checking bot...
GET Update Messages
[BOT]Connecting to server
.... connected to server


incoming message length 119
Creating DynamicJsonBuffer
GetUpdates parsed jsonDoc: {"ok":true,"result":[{"update_id":669498975,"message":{"message_id":8,"from":{"id":387291095,"is_bot":false}}}]}
Failed to parse update, the message could be too big for the buffer. Error code: IncompleteInput
Closing client

I tried to tweak BearSSL and TinyGSM buffers but it's always 119 bytes of response. Or is it some buffer else, or the unexpected end of response...

Here is the usage:

TinyGsm modem(SerialAT);
TinyGsmClient client(modem);
BearSSLClient sslClient(client);

UniversalTelegramBot bot(BOTtoken, sslClient);
d0ct0rd-dalimo commented 2 years ago

Issue solved by using ArduinoBearSSL, but you need to increase input and output buffers of ArduinoBearSSL

My buffers are:

#define BEAR_SSL_CLIENT_OBUF_SIZE 2048 + 85

raleortiz commented 2 years ago

Problema resuelto mediante el uso de ArduinoBearSSL, pero necesita aumentar los búferes de entrada y salida de ArduinoBearSSL

Mis búferes son:

#define BEAR_SSL_CLIENT_OBUF_SIZE 2048 + 85


Do you have code to test?

asus1305 commented 2 years ago

@raleortiz @SMauser have you solve this problem? i have the same problem. @d0ct0rd-dalimo can you give us code to test? thank you

RamiLup commented 2 years ago

Hello, Can you please share your basic telegram-gprs Arduino sketch here ? Even with all the help you wrote here I still could not do exactly the same with my code... Thanks!