witnessmenow / Universal-Arduino-Telegram-Bot

Use Telegram on your Arduino (ESP8266 or Wifi-101 boards)
MIT License
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Fix by RobertGnz for too long messages and new function deleteMessage #348

Open francwalter opened 3 months ago

francwalter commented 3 months ago

Fix by RobertGnz: "If deserializeJson happen to endup with an error for instance update too big for the buffer, then last_message_received will not be updated. Subsequent calls to getUpdates uses last_message_received + 1 for the offset value. But as last_message_received was not updated we will allways read the same message. Here we try to find the update_id and store it to update last_message_received if necessary." See: #275 and #266

Created deleteMessage as a new function. This is the deleteMessage from another PR, I considered it better than mine, so I replaced it.

Added the deleteMessage in README.md, but missing is an example yet.

I hope this PR is a better one than my first, where I commented in german and changed the README.md to tell it is a fork 😏 frank

EDIT: Oh, I noticed that I forgot to put back the "Help support what I do!" part in the README.md with the sponsor beg. If this PR is near to get pulled, I could (force) add it again, just leave a comment here @witnessmenow Thanks.