Closed windupon closed 3 years ago
This isn't really an issue with the library, this is a sketch built using an older version of the library.
To fix you should update the ESP8266 core , the Youtube library and Arduino JSON to the latest.
You will also need to add client.setInsecure();
to your setup
Hello, first of all, my English is very bad, I apologize for this from the beginning.
I've been experimenting for 2-3 days, but I couldn't find a way, I'm new in this business.
all versions are in the same version.
What exactly do I need to change?
I'm not good at coding, I would appreciate it if you could help.
`// YouTube Channel Subscriber Counter with 8 Digit 7-Segment Display // Target Hardware: esp8266 WEMOS D1 Mini // // Uses the Youtube Data API to retrieve channel statistics // and display the subscriber count on an 8 digit 7-segment display as well as serial monitor. // // Required libraries and board files: // esp8266 install from boards manager // YoutubeApi // ArduinoJson // LedControl // // LedControl usage: // // Tested using: // Arduino IDE v1.8.9 // esp8266 board file v2.4.2 // YoutubeAPI v1.1.0 // ArduinoJson v5.13.4 // LedControl v1.0.6 // // Gadget Reboot
include // Youtube Data API to retrieve public channel stats
include // required by Youtube API
include // MAX7219 7-segment display controller
// MAX7219 control pins and number of chips
define dinPin D8
define clkPin D7
define csPin D6
define numDevices 1 // one MAX7219 controls 8 digits
define dispAddr 0 // MAX7219 devices are numbered starting from 0
// create LED display control interface LedControl led_disp = LedControl(dinPin, clkPin, csPin, numDevices);
//------- Replace with your details! ------ char ssid[] = "Superbox_Wifi_7149"; // your network SSID (name) char password[] = "pass"; // your network password
define API_KEY "api" // your google apps API key for Youtube Data API access
define CHANNEL_ID "channel" // your Youtube channel ID
unsigned long subCount; // stores the subscriber count from the API byte digits[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // an array of led digit data to be written to the display
// Instantiate the WiFiClientSecure object for use with Youtube API WiFiClientSecure client; YoutubeApi api(API_KEY, client);
unsigned long api_mtbs = 180000; // time between api requests, in mS. 60,000 mS = 1 minute intervals unsigned long api_lasttime = 0; // last time api request occurred
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600);
// set WiFi to station mode and disconnect from an AP if previously connected WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.disconnect(); delay(200);
// initialize the MAX7219 device led_disp.shutdown(dispAddr, false); // wake up the MAX7219 from power-saving mode led_disp.setIntensity(dispAddr, 8); // set brightness level (0 - 15) led_disp.clearDisplay(dispAddr); // clear display register
// Attempt to connect to WiFi network Serial.print("Connecting Wifi: "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); delay(500);
} // end while
// show WiFi status in serial monitor Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected."); Serial.print("IP address: "); IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); Serial.println(ip); Serial.printf("Connection status: %d\n", WiFi.status());
// get channel info from Youtube API for initial display subCount = 0; // initial sub count to be updated from api pollYoutubeAPI(); // get sub count immediately so we don't wait for poll timer to expire for initial reading displayDigits(); // show sub count on 7-segment display
} // end setup()
void loop() {
// if it is time to poll the Youtube API, try to retrieve channel data and update display if (millis() > api_lasttime + api_mtbs) { pollYoutubeAPI(); displayDigits();
// testDisplay(); // uncomment to test the 7-segment digits without api data access }
// show the number on the 7-segment display by separating out the // individual digits and sending them to the proper LED segment void displayDigits() {
// mod math separates digits out of the number digits[0] = (subCount % 10); digits[1] = (subCount / 10) % 10; digits[2] = (subCount / 100) % 10; digits[3] = (subCount / 1000) % 10; digits[4] = (subCount / 10000) % 10; digits[5] = (subCount / 100000) % 10; digits[6] = (subCount / 1000000) % 10; digits[7] = (subCount / 10000000) % 10;
// track which digit position in the number contains the left-most (non-zero) digit // eg: number = 474, digits[7..0] = 00000474 left digit non-zero position = digit[2] // if there is only one digit in the number, digit position 0 is the left-most automatically byte leftDigit = 0;
if (digits[7] > 0) leftDigit = 7; else if (digits[6] > 0) leftDigit = 6; else if (digits[5] > 0) leftDigit = 5; else if (digits[4] > 0) leftDigit = 4; else if (digits[3] > 0) leftDigit = 3; else if (digits[2] > 0) leftDigit = 2; else if (digits[1] > 0) leftDigit = 1;
// if there are digits to blank out (to the left of the left-most digit in the number) // set them as a "space" if (leftDigit < 7) { for (int i = (leftDigit + 1); i <= 7; i++) { digits[i] = ' '; // blank space character } }
// write all digits on 7-segment display for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, i, digits[i], false);
} // end displayDigits()
void pollYoutubeAPI() { if (api.getChannelStatistics(CHANNEL_ID)) {
api_lasttime = millis(); // start a new delay for next API poll interval
} // end pollYoutubeAPI()
void testDisplay() {
// display "Arduino" led_disp.clearDisplay(dispAddr); led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, 7, 'a', false); delay(300); led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 6, 0x05); delay(300); led_disp.setChar(dispAddr, 5, 'd', false); delay(300); led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 4, 0x1c); delay(300); led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 3, B00010000); delay(300); led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 2, 0x15); delay(300); led_disp.setRow(dispAddr, 1, 0x1D); delay(300); led_disp.clearDisplay(dispAddr); delay(300);
// test leading zero suppression subCount = 1; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 22; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 333; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 4444; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 55555; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 666666; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 7777777; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300);
subCount = 88888888; displayDigits(); //Show the data delay(300); } // end testDisplay()`