First of all thanks for your effort to integrate our beloved ESP8266 "into Alexa framework"!
I integrated your code into my current project. Unfortunately I ran out of heap using your files.
As I dont have an Echo yet I cannot try it for myself but I have a suggestion:
My Project already uses a WebServer, so I dont think that It is necessary to start some more for every device. Wouldn't it be easier to respond to the UDP Broadcast (respondToSearch) with a different URL depending on the number of the device: for example:
First of all thanks for your effort to integrate our beloved ESP8266 "into Alexa framework"! I integrated your code into my current project. Unfortunately I ran out of heap using your files. As I dont have an Echo yet I cannot try it for myself but I have a suggestion: My Project already uses a WebServer, so I dont think that It is necessary to start some more for every device. Wouldn't it be easier to respond to the UDP Broadcast (respondToSearch) with a different URL depending on the number of the device: for example:
And for the callback registration:
And for the events:
With some little adaptions for handling the number of course, but you get the idea.
Would this work or does the Belkin skill only accept setup.xml, /upnp/control/basicevent1 and nothing else ??
regards Erich