witnessmenow / spotify-api-arduino

Arduino library for integrating with the Spotify Web-API (Does not play music)
MIT License
175 stars 33 forks source link

Publish to PlatformIO & Arduino registries #61

Open marcelstoer opened 10 months ago

marcelstoer commented 10 months ago

While revisiting our old https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-spotify-remote (maybe not even my fix/bssl-memory branch works with ESP8266 Ardunino Core 3.x) I thought that surely someone must have created a Spotify Arduino library in the meantime. That's how I ended up here. Thanks Brian!

Do you have any plans to publish to PlatformIO & Arduino registries? Considering that you've already got library.json and library.properties in place, you're nearly there 😄

witnessmenow commented 10 months ago


Yes the plan is to release it, I originally didn't want to release it while I was still making changes as I didn't want to worry about breaking the contract if I made changes, but it's current format has been stable for a long time now so I think it probably is time to release it.

I'll take a look at what needs to be done with the library for release shortly