witoldmetel / Fire-Jira-App-Legacy

[Training App] React / Redux / Typescript / Firebase / Parcel
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[Chore]: Write unit tests #4

Open witoldmetel opened 4 years ago

witoldmetel commented 4 years ago

I need to cover all files with unit tests using i.g. enzyme

witoldmetel commented 4 years ago

Useful: https://medium.com/@rickhanlonii/understanding-jest-mocks-f0046c68e53c https://philipwalton.com/articles/why-i-test-private-functions-in-javascript/ https://medium.com/@antonybudianto/react-router-testing-with-jest-and-enzyme-17294fefd303

witoldmetel commented 4 years ago
witoldmetel commented 4 years ago

First part: https://github.com/witoldmetel/Fire-Jira-App/pull/33

witoldmetel commented 3 years ago

Part 2: https://github.com/witoldmetel/Fire-Jira-App/pull/59