wix-incubator / DetoxRecorder

Detox Recorder is a utility for recordings steps for a Detox test as you use your app in Simulator. After recording the test, add expectations that check if interface elements are in the expected state.
MIT License
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"detox recorder" can not be used as script with npm/yarn #16

Open fabianbru opened 3 years ago

fabianbru commented 3 years ago

Describe the Bug When using a "detox recorder ..." command through the package.json "scripts" section nothing happens and process exits immediately without error/logs.

To Reproduce package.json

  "scripts": {
    "detox:ios:recorder": "detox recorder -b \"<APP_ID>\" -s booted -r --outputTestFile \"./test/e2e/NewTest.e2e.js\" --testName \"New Test\""

On the other hand copying the command above out of the package.json scripts and run it directly in the terminal will start the recording without problems.

Expected Behavior Running a "detox recorder ..." command as package.json script has the same effect as running it directly in the console.

Actual Behavior Running a "detox recorder ..." command as package.json script does nothing.

Screenshots no screens needed


Logs no output is shown in log stream if run as script.

Additional Context

RayKay91 commented 3 years ago

Also facing the same issue. Anyone know of a fix?

MilanMalovic commented 2 years ago

Same here, any fix for this ?

karimdjemai commented 2 years ago

I am also facing this

isaac-tribal commented 2 years ago

same here

DenianFossatti commented 2 years ago

Workaround: "scripts": { "detox:ios:recorder": "node_modules/detox-recorder/DetoxRecorderCLI --bundleId com.example.app --simulatorId booted --outputTestFile 'temp/testFile.ts' --record" }