wix-incubator / DetoxRecorder

Detox Recorder is a utility for recordings steps for a Detox test as you use your app in Simulator. After recording the test, add expectations that check if interface elements are in the expected state.
MIT License
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App crashes when I click on a input field #6

Closed smakosh closed 4 years ago

smakosh commented 4 years ago

Describe the Bug When ever I click on an input field, the app crashes

To Reproduce

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior


Logs Post here the output of

❯ log stream --level debug --style compact --predicate "subsystem=='DetoxRecorder'"
Filtering the log data using "subsystem == "DetoxRecorder""
Timestamp               Ty Process[PID:TID]
2020-07-28 17:48:48.587 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Parsing arguments
2020-07-28 17:48:48.589 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /bin/zsh with arguments: ["-l", "-c", "which applesimutils"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:48.757 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /usr/local/bin/applesimutils with arguments: ["--list", "--booted"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:49.043 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /bin/zsh with arguments: ["-l", "-c", "which xcrun"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:49.183 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /usr/bin/xcrun with arguments: ["simctl", "get_app_container", "2D329387-1B2B-4A0F-8687-2A28F6318639", "com.<app name>"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:49.267 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /usr/bin/nm with arguments: ["-U", "/Users/<username>/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2D329387-1B2B-4A0F-8687-2A28F6318639/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/1D230503-7788-481B-826D-15D6303A9FC5/<app name>.app/<app name>"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:49.525 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /usr/bin/otool with arguments: ["-L", "/Users/<username>/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/2D329387-1B2B-4A0F-8687-2A28F6318639/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/1D230503-7788-481B-826D-15D6303A9FC5/<app name>.app/<app name>"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:49.670 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] App binary requires framework injection: true
2020-07-28 17:48:49.670 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /usr/bin/xcrun with arguments: ["simctl", "terminate", "2D329387-1B2B-4A0F-8687-2A28F6318639", "com.<app name>"] environment: [:]
2020-07-28 17:48:50.457 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Published recording service: <NSNetService 0x7ffb62d095e0> local. _detoxrecorder._tcp. 6A3BF498-BDB0-432C-961D-050071DAE05B 53264
2020-07-28 17:48:50.459 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec379] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Launching /usr/bin/xcrun with arguments: ["simctl", "launch", "2D329387-1B2B-4A0F-8687-2A28F6318639", "com.<app name>", "-DTXRecStartRecording", "1", "-DTXRecTestName", "My Recorded Test", "-DTXServiceName", "6A3BF498-BDB0-432C-961D-050071DAE05B"] environment: ["SIMCTL_CHILD_DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES": "/Users/<username>/Desktop/4d-work/project/packages/mobile/node_modules/detox-recorder/DetoxRecorder.framework/DetoxRecorder"]
2020-07-28 17:48:50.745 I  <app name>[10373:3ec500] [DetoxRecorder:DetoxRecorderApplicationAccessibility] Enabling accessibility for automation on Simulator.
2020-07-28 17:48:51.316 I  <app name>[10373:3ec500] [DetoxRecorder:InteractionController] Resolved recording service: <NSNetService 0x6000003d6e00> local _detoxrecorder._tcp 6A3BF498-BDB0-432C-961D-050071DAE05B 53264
2020-07-28 17:48:52.509 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec3d9] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Adding recorded action: await element(by.id("email-input")).tap();
2020-07-28 17:48:52.596 I  DetoxRecorderCLI[10241:3ec3d9] [DetoxRecorder:CLI] Socket connection closed for reading.

Additional Context I'm using styled-components

LeoNatan commented 4 years ago

Please provide the crash dump so I know what happened. Thanks

LeoNatan commented 4 years ago


smakosh commented 4 years ago

Hey @LeoNatan I will after the holidays!

LeoNatan commented 4 years ago

Cheers, thank you! Happy holidays!

LeoNatan commented 4 years ago

Any news?

smakosh commented 4 years ago

Closing this as it is working perfectly after upgrading to the latest Xcode/iOS 13.6