Open holograph opened 9 years ago
Note that this is a known limitation as indicated by the Spring integration documentation.
Need some help figuring out the right kind of rendering. To start with, I added a test to the issue36
branch so we can actually spec out the desired behavior; it looks something like:
// Sample domain:
case class Contained( field: String )
implicit val containedValidator = validator[ Contained ] { c =>
c.field has ( size >= 2 and size <= 4 )
case class Container( field: String, contained: Contained )
implicit val containerValidator = validator[ Container ] { c =>
c.field is notEmpty
c.contained is valid
// Test:
"correctly render nested validation errors" in {
val contained = Contained( "not good!" )
val container = Container( "ok", contained )
val errors: Errors = new BeanPropertyBindingResult( container, "container" )
val adapter = new AccordValidatorAdapter( containerValidator )
adapter.validate( container, errors )
errors.getAllErrors should have size 1
errors.getAllErrors.head shouldBe a[ FieldError ]
val fe = errors.getAllErrors.head.asInstanceOf[ FieldError ]
fe.getField shouldEqual "contained"
fe.getRejectedValue shouldEqual Contained( "not good!" )
// What should actually go in here?
Now the question is, what is the desired rendering behavior? I've been doing some reading about Spring Validation, but have yet to figure out what the "nominal" rendering behavior is.
@hugebdu @itaykor Your input would be appreciated...
Also reported by @nivi1979, your two cents would also be appreciated :-)
Removed milestone, but keeping open for future reference. No progress can be made on this without some serious feedback.
When validation fails on a delegated object, the error details (from the group violation) aren't persisted to the
object. For example, for the following domain model:When running the following test:
The result is a correct
object, but is missing a lot of details:Note that the error message is the top-level "field is invalid" constraint violation, but none of the details from the
are included.Reported by @hugebdu and @itaykor.