wix-incubator / react-native-zss-rich-text-editor

React Native rich text editor based on ZSSRichTextEditor
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uncompiled PNG file passed as argument. Must be compiled first into .flat file #99

Open udarts opened 6 years ago

udarts commented 6 years ago

I am getting the following error when trying to build the release app, it is not showing when debugging.

android/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/release/drawable-xhdpi/node_modules_reactnativezssrichtexteditor_img_icon_format_italic.png: error: uncompiled PNG file passed as argument. Must be compiled first into .flat file.. error: failed parsing overlays.

I already tried to use:


But that is deprecated and will be removed at the end of 2018. I also tried removing the both build folders and rebuilding it, but no luck.

Is there something wrong with that images png? As there are more images in my app and they don't seem to cause an issue.

I am using the latest version of: react-native-zss-rich-text-editor and the latest of react-native as well.

Please help.

bosz commented 6 years ago

Add - org.gradle.configureondemand=true to gradle.properties instead of android.enableAapt2 = false

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