wix / Detox

Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps
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Android unable to launch app after successful build #4450

Open BlinkVonDoom opened 1 month ago

BlinkVonDoom commented 1 month ago


Hi all,

We are setting up android for our RN project, and am trying to solve for an issue where we have multiple Variants / Flavors on the app in our project, and we want to only build one for testing at a time.

Following the setup, the build completes successfully. With apks being pushed to android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/flavor1/debug/app-flavor1-debug-androidTest.apk and android/app/build/outputs/apk/flavor1/debug/app-flavor1-debug.apk


apps: {
    'android.debug': {
      type: 'android.apk',
      binaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/flavor1/debug/app-flavor1-debug.apk',
      testBinaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/flavor1/debug/app-flavor1-debug-androidTest.apk',
      build: 'cd android && ./gradlew assembleFlavor1Debug assembleFlavor1DebugAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug',
      reversePorts: [8081],

When running the tests we receive

""/Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-19998 shell "ps | grep \"com\.package\.flavor1$\""" failed with error = ChildProcessError: Command failed: "/Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-19998 shell "ps | grep \"com\.package\.flavor1$\""
 `"/Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-19998 shell "ps | grep \"com\.package\.falvor1$\""` (exited with error code 1) (code=1), stdout and stderr:

When running adb shell ps | grep com.package.flavor1 we receive adb: more than one device/emulator

Our first test looks like with the first console log printing, but obviously not the second

  beforeAll(async () => {
    console.log('LAUNCHING APP');
    await device.launchApp({
      newInstance: true,
      permissions: {
        userTracking: 'NO',
        notifications: 'YES',
      launchArgs: { detoxURLBlacklistRegex: 'url1, url2', detoxEnableSynchronization: 0 },

    console.log('APP LAUNCHED');

Any additional trouble shooting would be greatly appreciated.


Your environment

Detox version: 20.20.0 React Native version: 0.71.15 Node version: 21.5.0 Device model: Pixel_6_Pro_API_34 OS: macOS Test-runner (select one): jest

DheerajKhush commented 1 month ago

I am facing the same issue, Any updates?

BlinkVonDoom commented 1 month ago

One thing from my logs that I noticed in my logs is the userID -2 may be something of interest. But have not had time to look into that more deeply. detoxLogs.txt